Jason Chan’s Monthly Message – April 2018
Trusting Life
Do you believe that it is possible to live an infinitely healthy, happy, abundant, fulfilling life? Given the level of conflict and poverty in our world, most people would probably answer ‘Definitely not!’ However, I am convinced that if we raise our consciousness high enough, we can actually live miraculously, even on this rather heavy and troubled planet.
To do this, you first have to learn to trust life. So before you read any further, please pause, and using your intuition, ask yourself how much you trust life on a scale of 1-10. If your answer was not 10, please take a vow to work on trusting life more by at least one point every year until you have complete faith that Life Itself is always kind and supportive.
The ego loves to think of itself as the victim of a wicked, untrustworthy world, but you can learn to rise above this depressing voice in your head. You can then connect to a much higher inner voice that will always tell you that Life Itself is totally trustworthy.
Learning to trust life one hundred per cent is definitely not about denying all your fears and doubts. So please never try to suppress any negative thoughts that just keep popping into your mind uninvited such as, ‘My life is a mess.’ ‘I am so poor.’ ‘What have I done to deserve this?’ The key to miraculous living is to notice all of these negative thoughts, but then absolutely refuse to believe them. Simply refuse to allow any fearful or angry thoughts to make themselves at home in your mind. As soon as you notice a fearful thought, or any kind of grievance rising up into your consciousness, pause and consciously delete it. Then, keep doing this day after day, until deleting negative thoughts becomes an ingrained habit.
At the same time, I also strongly advise you to pray to a higher power to assist you to let go of all of your underlying negative programming. If you have a personal connection to Jesus, Buddha or another ascended master, pray to them. If you have no religious beliefs, just pray to a universal light and higher wisdom to assist you. For example, you can pray sincerely, ‘I really do not want to feel this fear anymore. Please help me to release it.’ On a more general level you can pray, ‘Please help me to remove all of my inner blocks to living a truly miraculous life.’ Then, simply refuse to allow your own mind to sabotage your highest dreams for a wonderful future.
So first and foremost, please always trust that Life Itself longs for you to live miraculously. But then accept that you will probably have to make a real effort – for quite some time – to remove all of your inner blocks to living in this way. This does usually take quite a lot of courage and determination. Nevertheless, if you are brave enough to sit and face a particular fear or doubt head on whilst connecting to a higher, healing light, I promise you that the light can definitely dissolve that fear on your behalf.
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At first, when you remove a long standing negative programme from your mind, you may feel rather empty or even vulnerable. The key is to fill up the inner space left by your deep healing with Love Energy. This high energy will then begin to transform everything in your life on your behalf.
Some egoic darkness can exert a vice like grip over us. Some chronic illnesses for example are not at all easy to heal. Moreover, someone’s whole identity can become tied up in their long-term sick role. Then, on some level or other, they can become reluctant to give up that sick role. As a very experienced healer, I know that healing work can be a really complex art or skill. But I also know that no-one leads a truly happy and fulfilling life without being brave enough to go on a pretty challenging healing journey.
I have personally witnessed many brave souls struggling for quite some time to clear away all the obstacles in their own heart and mind to dwelling in miraculous love and light and nothing but love and light. But I have also witnessed the miracles that this deep healing process brings into people’s lives. Health issues, money issues and relationship problems can seem to melt away as if by magic once someone has healed their own mind and heart, because the external world always reflects our inner world back to us.
A lot of genuine spiritual seekers may pray sincerely to heal their shadow side, but without cultivating the capacity to hold and to embody the light, such prayers have no real power behind them. Sadly, most prayers in our world are still just wishful thinking, whereas prayers in the light are extraordinarily powerful. Our Ling Chi Healing Art is several decades ahead of its time, but I know it works. We cultivate a really high energy and consciousness, and then we connect to an out-of-this-world healing light that gives real power to our prayers to be released from all our stored inner fear, guilt and darkness.
Long-term meditators will eventually feel an inner spaciousness, and then the next step is to fill this spaciousness with light and Love Energy and then use this miraculous power to release any residual egoic darkness. The ego will insist that you are the victim of a wicked world and that there is no way you can live miraculously. However, once your consciousness is high enough, your open, clear, expanded mind will have no doubts whatsoever and then, your life will begin to flow miraculously and you will be able to fulfil your highest dreams and your soul’s purpose with the greatest of ease.
Jason Chan
April 2018
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