Jason’s May Message
To live and die miraculously, we need to be able to tune into the power of Gods’ Infinite Peace at all times. At first, when we practise tuning into infinite peace, we will only be able to do so momentarily when our energy is exceptionally high and vibrant and we are feeling strong and well. But eventually, we have to be able to tune into this inner peace constantly, even when the whole world around us is going up in flames. We also have to be able to tune into this peace even when our body is very weak or dying.
Tragically, most human beings live their whole lives in an agitated state of mind. It actually takes great determination and persistence to follow a genuine spiritual path all the way back to perfect peace. Knowing just how challenging the path to peace can be, I have been determined to assist as many individuals as I possibly can on this essential spiritual journey. I have therefore spent the last several years joining with several like–minded souls to create a Peace Centre where genuine spiritual seekers from all over the world can come to practice the Infinite Arts of peaceful living and dying.
So I am thrilled that this Easter we ran our first ever spiritual retreat at Infinity House in Co Cork, Ireland. All the participants on this retreat remarked on the exceptional peace and beauty that surrounds and pervades Infinity House. We all sensed an incredibly powerful peace in the atmosphere of the house and its surroundings which is a true reflection, in this troubled world, of the infinite Peace of God.
We are living in turbulent times, and world peace and harmony seem a far off dream, but I know that each and every individual who finds their own way to deep inner peace makes a real contribution to the peaceful evolution of the whole human race. God’s Infinite Peace is eternal and changeless and so it is completely formless. But in our world, certain landscapes and places are so much more peaceful than others. Spending quality time in these exceptionally serene places can definitely assist us to align ourselves to our own deep inner peace and serenity.
However, as well as spending as much time as we can in a truly peaceful atmosphere, we also need to learn the advanced spiritual skill of stilling our mind, because each and every time we move our mind, we create inner ripples that disturb our peace. So some kind of regular meditation practise is a must, because without it, our ever-moving, fearful minds will continue to disturb us 24/7.
Please do your best to understand that the ego is actually frightened of God’s Peace because this peace is so alien to it and because in the long run, it threatens the ego’s very existence. In total contrast, your soul is always longing for God’s Peace, and so sooner or later, you are going to embark on a long, challenging quest to find it so that you can finally liberate your soul from endless suffering.
Connecting to the Peace of God will always frighten your egoic-self whilst uplifting your spirit. So, you need to learn to ignore the incessant screeching of the ego and insist on continuing your search for inner peace come what may. Do not stop when the going gets a bit tough: the journey’s end is so blissful that every difficult step along the way is totally worth it.
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It usually takes a lot of dedicated spiritual training before you will clearly hear God’s Peace speak to you through the silence of your calm, open mind. But once you do experience the peace of God, you will never be quite the same again.
God’s Peace actually permeates everything eternally, but you will never be forced to connect to it against your will. God’s Peace is infinitely patient and gentle, and so it will wait serenely whilst you choose to go on choosing your own dreams full of chaos and conflict. But please understand that God’s Peace can only extend ever outwards in this world through those who make a conscious choice to surrender into it. So by vowing to connect to this peace on a daily basis you will become a true blessing on our troubled world.
The energy of God’s Peace can wipe away all tears and heal all of our deep wounds. Living in this world full of conflict and violence is always so hard, but if you are brave and just hang on in there for a while longer, I know that you can become a Peace Bringer to all sentient beings in our troubled world. The secret is to begin to realise that all our endless pain and suffering, that seems so real to us, is just a very temporary nightmare that we are choosing to dream. Real life is completely different from life as we now know it. Real life is deeply peaceful, but at the same time it is absolutely not in any way dull or boring. In fact, connecting to God’s Peace is one of the most amazingly uplifting experiences any human being can ever have.
The normal human mind always welcomes conflict because it would much rather be right than be happy. The egoic-self strives on conflict and even finds true peace boring. But your soul is longing to return home to Gods’ Infinite Peace, and if you gain even just a taste of this inner peace, you will do everything in your power to taste it again and again, until you finally merge into it completely once and for all.
The key to connecting to the awesome power of God’s Peace is to be able to illuminate your consciousness with the light and with Love Energy. Normal human consciousness is totally trapped in a physical realm of existence that is never truly peaceful. But if we learn to still our ever-moving mind so that we can expand our clear consciousness into the light, we will inevitably connect to an out-of-this-world dynamic peace that is filled with true love and joy. What more could you really want in this world? What but this could bring you the lasting fulfilment and happiness that you have always longed for?
Peace and Joy
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