A Few Words About Gloria
Gloria Hanson is a fully qualified Infinite Tai Chi teacher and spiritual mentor. She facilitates Radiant Living workshops and retreats in the UK and Europe. Her main intention is to assist individuals to discover the love and light inherent deep within their hearts.
Gloria has over 15 years’ experience in Infinite Tai Chi, Chi Kung and meditation. She has taught on many of Master Chan’s retreats in the UK, Europe and Thailand and teaches weekly Infinite Tai Chi and Chi Kung classes in West Didsbury, Manchester, to people of all ages. Gloria was a principle teacher on the Light Foundation’s Infinite Tai Chi teacher training course in Manchester. She is a co-founder of the Light Foundation for Peace and Harmony. Gloria offers private tuition for tai chi and chi kung, energy healing and spiritual counselling.
Gloria will assist you in creating a vibrant physical body and an open and strong energetic presence through a variety of wholesome exercise, tailor made for your level of fitness and personal preference with Infinite Arts.
What people say about Gloria’s work
Rediscover your natural grace, beauty and inner strength. Learn how to use these qualities to transform your life.