Jason Chan’s August Message 2018
Many years ago, I wrote Seven Principles for Radiant Living to assist individuals to lead exceptionally happy and fulfilling lives down here on Earth. But now, my core goal is to help dedicated spiritual practitioners to transcend this world altogether, and so this month, I am sharing with you seven ways in which you can begin to do just that.
I am sure you have noticed that our world seems pretty crazy and chaotic. Any intelligent, mature human being is going to stop at some point in their lives and ask, ‘What is this life all about?’ or ‘Surely there is a better way to live than this?’ Well, I now know that the only meaningful way to live in this world is to see absolutely everything we experience in it as having a real spiritual purpose. To assist you to see that too, I am going to briefly outline seven spiritual purposes of this world for you to ponder on whilst you lie on a beach perhaps, or sit out in your garden enjoying the summer sunshine.
The first spiritual purpose of life down here is to learn how to rise above the relatively low and dark human consciousness until we become “in the world, but not of it”. Most people live out their whole lives being at least mildly anxious or irritated day in and day out. We get used to living like this, but really it is tragic that so many of us never find the lasting love or happiness that we are all looking for.
But the only way to find true love and happiness is to raise our energy and consciousness up to an exceptionally high level so that we are no longer drowning in more or less endless fear, anger and resentment. Once your consciousness is high enough to connect to an eternal spiritual reality, you will still notice the craziness in this world, but you will no longer see it as so real, and so you can keep rising above it to spend more and more time dwelling in peace and love.
The second spiritual purpose of our lives here is to awake. In other words, we are here to find our true identity by waking up from the dream that we are just a very temporary personality-self in a decaying, physical body. Some individuals awake from the dream we call ‘life’ suddenly by experiencing some kind of brief, but intense spiritual transformation or revelation. Others awake far more gradually by steadily absorbing some core spiritual principles or truths– such as those contained in Buddhist dharma – until they know without a doubt that they are not just a dream figure in a dream world, but something much more eternal and real.
However we experience it, once we have gone through an initial awakening transformation, we can still play the role of being a normal human being, but we no longer take this role quite so seriously, because once we are spiritually awake, we intuitively know that our true identity is that of an eternal soul that is just dreaming that it has become flesh and blood.
The third spiritual purpose of this world is self-healing, or rather being willing to be healed by a much greater power or wisdom than any worldly power or intelligence. Some genuine spiritual practitioners never commit to a deep self-healing process and so they never go all the way on the spiritual journey back home to the ultimate truth about life. If you just go for blissing yourself out in a high spiritual light from time to time, I am afraid that you will never become fully enlightened. You will have too many dark shadows of resentment, guilt, fear and self-hatred buried deep in the subconscious layers of your mind. These shadows will then inadvertently block the spiritual light from flooding your whole being.
The fourth spiritual purpose of this world is to present you with a series of serious challenges so that you can transform all of your human limitations into limitless wisdom, courage and compassion. Most people in our world complain more or less constantly about all their personal problems –health problems, money problems and relationship problems. But awakening individuals actually learn to welcome major challenges in life such as a debilitating illness, a bankruptcy or a divorce, because they realise that these challenges are not there to punish us for our imagined sins. Major challenge in this world are a gift to us to assist us to strengthen our spiritual will and to reinforce our choice to surrender everything in our lives to an out-of-this-world, divine power.
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The fifth spiritual purpose of this world is to push our buttons over and over again so that we can master the core spiritual art of true forgiveness. Forgiveness is now a rather over used spiritual concept that cannot be defined in just a few words. But I will tell you that true forgiveness involves letting go of all our negative judgements about others in this world, as well as letting go of all our grievances against them. This is a huge spiritual task, but the spiritual rewards of this radical type of forgiveness are truly miraculous!
The sixth spiritual purpose of this world is its use as a mirror that shows us exactly what we are holding in our minds. If we hold aggressive thoughts in our mind for any length of time for example, the dark energy that these thoughts create will attract aggressive events or people into our lives. In contrast, if a diligent spiritual practitioner brings loving, compassionate thoughts into their mind on a daily basis, they will attract far more experiences of love into their world. So, we can look out into the world around us and use our perception of it to see more clearly any negative programming that we still need to delete from deep within our own mind and heart in order to manifest a beautiful dream life for ourselves and others.
The seventh spiritual purpose of this world emerges only after we have diligently followed a genuine spiritual path for quite some time. But then, we will notice that our primary purpose in life has shifted radically from longing to create a good life for ourselves and our own family, to longing to selflessly serve suffering humanity in any way we can. When I first rather reluctantly became a spiritual teacher, my personality-self still worried about making enough money to cover my mortgage. But over thirty years later, I really do not care about material possessions or worldly pleasures. I genuinely just want to show as many individuals as I possibly can how to awake and how to heal themselves on the deepest of levels so that they too can taste the delicious fruits of progressing down a miraculous spiritual path back home to infinite love, peace, light and joy.
In this short message I can only touch the surface of these 7 core spiritual purposes or truths. But I am sure that if you take some time to contemplate on them, your own intuitive mind will guide you to deepen into them one by one, to assist you to make further progress on your own unique spiritual journey through this lifetime and beyond.
(photo: on retreat, Thailand)
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