The clocks have now gone back in the UK and the nights are really drawing in, so you may well be reading this surrounded by wintry darkness. I could just write something light-hearted this month to lighten the gloom, but instead, I am inspired to write something rather deep and serious.
This November, I am asking you to commit to doing at least one thing on a daily basis to raise your own consciousness up to a level that really supports your life and the lives of all your loved ones.
If you long to live your life in love and peace, rather than fear and conflict, I can assure you that you need to find a tool – such as meditation – that will enable you to raise your consciousness up to truly life-supporting levels.
Our normal mind constantly judges everything it perceives, and whenever it judges anything to be a threat, we inevitably feel fearful. This is an incredibly stressful and ultimately life-destroying way to live. But most human beings simply do not know any other way to cope with life. However, once you begin to awake spiritually, you just have to refuse to entertain the egoic mind’s endless fearful judgements about the world.
When you watch the evening news and start to feel anxious, please tell yourself you are no longer going to drown in this low level of consciousness, because it won’t solve any of the world’s endless problems. In fact, becoming fearful, depressed or angry at the world can only ever make the world’s problems worse!
As you make a commitment to awake and to heal, and as you learn to mindfully observe your own thoughts and feelings, you should begin to catch your automatic egoic reactions to the world quicker and quicker, until you can immediately countermand them. Otherwise, you will continue to live in fear and conflict indefinitely and so you cannot be of real service to all your suffering brothers and sisters.
Eventually, if you utilise a tried and tested method to raise your consciousness on a daily basis, you can dwell in a pure state of consciousness that transcends all egoic illusion. You connect to ultimate truth, rather than the illusory nature of existence. The truth is so simple, whereas the plots of the ego are always so complicated. ‘He is a bad person’. She is my best friend’. This is all illusion.
Once you are fully awake or conscious, you can still observe all of this, but you no longer want to entertain the ego’s endless dramas, and so its power over you subsides. You can finally live in real, infinite love and peace, rather than in egoic dreams of death and destruction.
One very powerful means to rise above egoic illusion is to practise the spiritual art of radical forgiveness. Eventually, we learn to let go of our grievances more or less automatically.
We cannot stop the ego judging and holding grievances, but we can learn to disbelieve it. First, we have to establish a strong connection to our inner observer, which will calmly observe the ego making its automatic judgements about the world around it, and then we are able to make a conscious choice not to buy into the ego’s judgemental, guilt-tripping thinking.
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Only the lower mind judges, and when you have a sharp inner observer, you become aware of this, and can choose to get out of the loop. You notice that your ego is still judging, but this toxic thought system begins to lose its destructive grip on you. Once you connect to your inner observer, you become conscious of all the sensations in your body that are linked to your judgemental thoughts, and bathe those sensations in your compassionate awareness until they melt into the light. This is the power of consciousness.
So this month, please do not go on believing the crazy stories your own mind is telling you. Go beneath the story line to notice the sensations that accompany the story, such as the sensation of fear, or the sensation of anger. Eventually, we can catch ourselves holding a fearful grievance faster and faster, and then immediately release it to the light. We can also learn to face all our fears and aversions head on, until we are afraid of nothing in this world, not even the destruction of our own physical form.
It takes tremendous mind training to really see what the ego is doing. 7 billion individuals look out onto the world around them and judge it harshly. We all keep interpreting what we see so that we can maintain our individual egoic existence, without realising that it is our separate egoic identity itself that is our core problem.
When someone’s consciousness is very low, their negative, attacking thoughts are totally real to them, and so they have no choice but to drown in the self-destructive thought system. They act out their aggressive thoughts automatically, whereas someone whose consciousness is a little higher may still have aggressive fantasies, but they tend to refrain from acting them out physically. On the other hand, someone whose consciousness is exceptionally high will experience only genuine unconditional love and compassion for all sentient beings in our world, including all those crazy human beings who act so aggressively towards their brothers and sisters.
Without cultivating some skilful means to raise our own consciousness, we just cannot forgive the world for all the pain that it seems to inflict on us. We simply lack the capacity to forgive. One reason why, as evolving souls, we all have to go through many worldly challenges is so that we can practise the spiritual art of true forgiveness over and over again, until we become genuine masters of it.
Before we can begin to awake, release all of our stored inner pain and truly forgive the world, we have to make a conscious choice to do so. But once we commit to awakening and really mean it, we will naturally start to gear ourselves into the right direction, and everything in our lives will support our genuine decision to awake. We will be assisted – for as long as it takes – to release all of our blocks to dwelling in pure love and light at all times, until we are finally ready to fly home to heaven with the mighty wings of an eagle.
So please, do not let the month of November be just about snuggling in front of a warm fire or going to bed early and sleeping in late, as a natural urge to hibernate through the winter months begins to kick in. Please take a vow that despite the increase in external darkness; you will do at least one thing every day of the month to raise your consciousness so that you can connect to an eternal, infinite, out-of-this-world light. Then have perfect faith that this light will eventually enable you to shine out so radiantly that all forms of darkness will simply dissolve in your radiant presence.
Blessings to you,
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