Jason’s Monthly Message
I am writing this message just before all the schools in England re-open for a new academic year after the long summer holidays. English schools are pretty good at teaching most pupils all sorts of worldly skills, including writing, reading and arithmetic. Then, at the higher levels of the British education system, students at the UK’s top universities are taught how to use advanced reason and logic to tackle all sorts of complex world problems, such as climate change, infectious diseases, and economic crises. Unfortunately these problems are still with us!
Just think about how intelligent and well educated most world leaders are these days, and then ask yourself, ‘If logic and human intelligence can solve all our problems, why are we not all enjoying world peace and prosperity in the 21st Century?’
As an intelligent, thoughtful, kind person you have probably tried to use your logical thinking mind to try and reason yourself out of feeling angry or fearful. For example, you have probably said something to yourself like: ‘My boss was a real pain today, but perhaps his bad back is really troubling him again, so I will try to feel compassionate towards him, rather than getting so angry and upset’. This may work to some extent to diffuse your anger, but I have to tell you that using logic like this is not nearly as powerful as learning how to release all of your anger and fear into the light.
So, one core problem with our education system – at least as I see it – is that no-one is taught how to safely and effectively release destructive thoughts and emotions such as anger and fear from their system. Most of us grow up not knowing how to stop drowning in our fearful or angry thoughts. We can then react quite aggressively to apparent external threats to our wellbeing and in doing so, we inadvertently contribute to all the conflicts in our world, from family disputes to terrible wars between nations.
Our whole society is always trying to make us fearful or annoyed- think of newspaper headlines, or even adverts for anti-bacterial household cleaners. Huge industries now thrive on making us more and more fearful or more irate. But the really good news that I want to share with you this month is that we can choose to opt out of this life-destroying, paranoid culture. We can learn to become the masters of our own minds and emotions so that we no longer pollute our own system, and indeed the atmosphere of the whole world, with the dark energy of fear and anger.
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If we want to be free to fulfil our true potential, we really have to learn to face our fears and then to keep releasing them into a higher light until the negative energy of them has disappeared. So please, do not resist the uncomfortable energetic sensation of fear rising up in you: just sit quietly and notice its texture, become familiar with it. I promise you that doing this is perfectly safe. In fact it is much safer than suppressing your fear or anger or projecting it out onto others by blaming them for your discomfort or pain.
As you sit quietly mindfully observing your thoughts and feelings, keep breathing and relaxing. Then use the power of your own mind to see, feel or imagine the energy of your fear or anger being dissolved by a very bright, higher light that is pouring down on you from the beyond. Once you can raise your consciousness high enough to connect to a higher, healing light, you will be able to release the toxic energy into this light on a daily basis. Eventually, you can even feel these negative emotions rising up within you and welcome them like the harmless, but slightly irritating, old friends that they really are.
So from now on, whenever you notice that you feel angry or anxious, instead of focusing on what in the world around you seems to be causing you to become emotionally upset, I suggest that you just sit quietly and breathe consciously for a while, as you allow the energy of your anger or fear to rise up through your whole system so that you can release it. As you practise doing this, bathe your hurt, fearful self in higher love and light in order to dissolve all your negative emotions back into nothingness.
If you keep doing this simple releasing practice on a daily basis, I promise you that one day soon you will begin to feel much lighter and brighter. From then on, our ever troubled world will no longer be able to disturb your inner peace so easily. At this point in your miraculous journey home to love, you will have become part of the solution to all of our troubled world’s endless problems, rather than just another small part of the problem, and so you will have become a true blessing to the whole planet.
Love and Light
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