Most of us have some experience about what love is, but a complication comes in – our human love seemingly has some limitation; we can experience pain, anxiety, worry, and actually underlying that, we’re afraid of our trust being betrayed by our beloved.. Sometimes we discover what we term love is our neediness and can be quite conditional.
We’ll separate Love into three levels, the human, the soul and the Divine.
In Human Love, most of us experience it to some degree as children, from our parents, sometimes from our brothers and sisters. As we grow up we may experience love through friendships, and maybe romance and intimacy. From a transpersonal perspective, we may be touched by the sheer beauty of music, paintings, arts, pure nature like observing sunrise or sunset, a blooming flower, stunning scenery. We can experience a sense of extreme well-being, freedom, peace and sometimes true aliveness as well.
For me, a mother’s love is one of the greatest of all, selfless and unconditional.
I find that mother’s love has a lots of self-sacrifice in it. Sleepless nights, worries about their beloved children and sharing joy if their children are healthy, happy and well. It is one of Life’s wonders that human beings have this capacity to love one another so profoundly. It can actually touch you so deeply, and just talking about it can easily move me into tears. However I also witness something fascinating that as beautiful, as powerful as is mother’s love, she cannot stop her alcoholic son or daughter from excessive drinking, drug taking, or engaging in self-destructive activities . The mother still loves him regardless. But that power of unconditional love may not be sufficient to change the destructive behaviours and addictions of those we love. So there is some limitation to it.
Most of us do experience some romantic love in our lives. It has an earth-shaking effect to start with, until disillusionment sets in, followed by disappointment. Sometimes we can end up disliking and even hating each other. Its limitations became quite obvious. Even the beauty of a sunrise, sunset, the stunning scenery, and looking up to the stars at night with awe, which can trigger the deep resonance within our hearts, has still no permanence in it.
Soul love is a true or higher level of love. More so than the mother’s unconditional love because it goes beyond the human character, personality and beyond human mind. Once touched by this love, you can taste a sense of eternity. Although soul love is very hard to describe, the one you share this love with you can remember for the rest of your life. Sometimes this love is so deep that when you experience it you actually feel some pain inside your heart. But if you can open your heart to release the blockages, you will find sheer beauty and grace, joy and compassion, freedom and peace.
It is love that can touch your heart, a love that can reveal your primordial innocence, a love that is able to reveal the purity that’s beyond the belief system in the mind, that’s beyond your education, programming, your culture; is simply pure love presence. Soul love is beyond time and space. For example, bring your beloved into your memory, and you will feel the warmth inside you. Time, age, circumstances, cannot change that.
Now you may start to get a glimpse of eternity and still it is based on two individuals joining with its primordial essence with their heart and quiet mind. Out of that essence starts a spiritual odyssey to Return to Boundless Love. There is pure wisdom and higher intelligence at work where we develop our intuition, our heart intelligence. That heart intelligence comes from love itself but it’s very deep. It is from your core being which connects with the Universe.
The genuine mature spiritual journey for me starts from the point at which you begin to differentiate between your Consciousness and mind; Being Presence and past experiences; Ever-present Wisdom and past programmes, or belief systems; Existence and cyclical temporal existence. To put simply, between the Truth and falsehood; Permanence and impermanence; Self and ego.
Your heart starts to yearn for something eternal, something you may call home, something you may call God. That is the Divine romance emerging and that is the heart motivation: the devotion of a seeker, of a genuine spiritual disciple, of the awakening soul journeying on tirelessly toward the merging of Divine Love. It is the deepest and highest level of love that humanity can attain. It usually requires a lot of preliminary foundational and transformative internal work before you have reached this level of yearning. So there may be a lot of letting go, a lot of skilful practices applied, possibly including prolonged periods of meditation, contemplation, studying and one-pointed focus to pursue this connection to your Truth.
When you experience Divine Love you feel you are part of that wholesome existence, that Oneness, that Totality. It brings a tremendous sense of freedom, spaciousness, brightness, and extreme aliveness. This aliveness is not just about feeling vibrant or feeling physically alive, rather, it is being Life itself. Literally you’re part of It. The Peace that permeates the whole universe, also permeates your whole Being. At the same time you can communicate/join with it through your heart because it is totally aligned with every aspect of your Being
Literally you are it. You can only enter into this state of Being through here and now. This moment but not this second, not this nanosecond. It is rather through this nanosecond you expand into Infinity.
How to get there? There are 7 steps, but they are not linear, they are non-conceptual . They are circular, inclusive. Every step consists of all the other steps.
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1) BURNING DESIRE : The internal quest for “Who am I?” Literally you are a drop from the ocean but able to return to the Ocean. It’s very much a developmental process from unconditional love, into soul love. From the depth of your soul, which above all else, yearns for the ultimate Divine Love.
2) MIND TRAINING : You need a mature, intelligent mind on this path. A quiet mind is a powerful mind. Like a star shines brightly, so you have the capacity to notice everything happening from the inner and outer of your existence. The expansion of your consciousness is the key. The yearning from the heart is the motivation. The well trained mind is the powerful tool.
3) SUPREME AWARENESS : There are two ways to go deep into your heart. One is through pain, emotional pain, which enables you to get in touch with the depth of your core being . Sometimes when you hit rock bottom it’s so painful you touch something deep inside and realise you are an eternal soul. You realise that all the pain deep inside is because you are missing something so precious that you’ve been yearning for your entire life.
All suffering comes from the separation from your source but sometimes without pain, your consciousness is not expansive enough to go deep. When we reach some deep level of pain, we simply kneel down and pray ‘I’ve enough, I cannot stand it anymore.’ Suddenly, peace appears, and out of that quietness, that spaciousness, you find your soul.
The second way to attain this level of awareness is by raising your energetic vibration with genuine spiritual practice. To raise the vibration is very much like the sun rising – suddenly it lights up the sky. Normal human awareness is quite dim; we are in shadow but we get used to it. With a higher energetic vibration your consciousness is suddenly lit up inside-out. The real you wants to transcend your own shadow and limitation. You have this internal light switched on. You know your true self, the soul self. It is still individualised, not liberated yet but you notice you’re not this personality, this temporal body/mind person.
4) FORGIVENESS: To enable you to experience love, first you need to forgive. However, not many people know what this is. True forgiveness literally is releasing your past to free the future, to undo all fear, return to Love, to heal all wounds and back to Wholeness, to transcend all limitations, to be truly Creative. To dive through death and find only Life.
Suddenly you realise your past, present and future are illusive. Your present expansion of consciousness embraces the past, present and future – that means the whole human evolution, the whole planetary evolution as well the here and now.
A Course in Miracles teaching always encourages students to learn and practise forgiveness, which for me is releasing the past. That means the energy of it, the emotion of it, the programs and the belief system of it, letting it all go. Easy to say, so difficult to do. When you have freed that, you open up the infinite potential present moment. You are free forever.
5 ) DISCERNING WISDOM: We go deeper now. After opening your heart, setting the goal to embrace your eternal pathway, you notice that ‘knowingness’ is starting to come back to you. You develop discerning wisdom to enable you to differentiate what is truth or true love and what is false. `And that’s a challenge for nearly all of our human existence.
We go through trial and error, we all are sometimes searching in the dark. Sometimes we get burned and sometimes we feel despair and sometimes we get lost. But we get up and do it again because next time we do it better. We follow great teachers’ and masters’ footsteps., eventually gaining wisdom. We cannot buy wisdom, we can only earn it through our dedication. That internal wisdom starts from the heart not the mind. A Course in Miracles describes it as the Holy Spirit guidance or inner voice, the Comforter, the Great Teacher, the Guidance within. But again it takes some time for you to differentiate whether it is the true guidance, the true teacher, or not.
6) PERSISTENCE : Never give up, no matter what. “Practise makes perfect”. Repetition leads to consistency. It is not discipline though, because whatever is a labour of love – something that excites you, enriches you, something where you feel a tremendous amount of aliveness – is not discipline anymore.
7) MASTERSHIP : If you can, connect with that Great Love everyday and every moment at will. This is mastership. Divine Love is all embracing and thus includes the human and soul love. As a human and soul you are kind, gentle, compassionate and strong for your family and friends, your students and your colleagues, your customers and your team wherever they come into your world. That Love flows through you to benefit everyone that comes into your life. And it is Real.
What does Real mean? Human love is the expression of that very powerful Universal Love that flows through you. Soul love is your authentic core being. Love comes from your heart which reconnects with the Universal Heart -The Source. It pours down and expands through you. You experience that eternal essence. Real Love is Oneness, and Love is what you are.
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