Don’t allow the world to imprison you and frighten you. That’s what the world does. How do you stop the world dragging you down? With regular practice of Infinite Arts, the Chi you can hold will expand and will protect your mind and body.
The light in you is many different things. The light in you also needs your protection , especially to start with. At the beginning, it’s very much like the flickering of a candlelight. The worldly wind will blow and it’s very easy to blow out the flame. So you need skilful means to protect your flickering light. I utilise the Infinite Arts, and I give you something to add – it’s called devotion. You don’t have to tell your friends or your family you’re a devotional person because they might look at you and see you as, in fact, quite weird! Devotion does not come from the mind, not from following a course, not from following a religion, nor from a guru. Devotion is to your true love and your truth. It is not a doctrine.
If you are not a devotional type, I can tell you why. Because you are not ‘in love’. That’s the reason why. Only if you’re ‘in love’, can your heart open. Devotion is the loving mother who will devote her life to her beloved child. It’s just understood. It is not a chore or burden; it’s a labour of love. That is how it becomes a devotional act. Living your life with devotion will save you a lot of hardship. Whatever you do, devote it to your truth, to your Christ, to your Krishna, to your God, to your Universe. It is not necessarily something religious. You may be devoted to an animal, music, art, nature.
I have never met any unsuccessful, unhappy devotional person in my life. Never. I have met a lot of commercially successful people who very unhappy, but I’ve never met any person following a devotional path who was not happy at all. Something happens. You feel safe. Most people do not feel safe. A devotional person feels safe because they know they have guidance and protection, and they feel love and beloved. And so devotion is my recommendation.
Maybe it’s not your default programme. Perhaps you go to work just to make money. Change that, it’s not worth it. Change the purpose for what you do and eventually your whole life will change. Do not live your life just to prolong life. There’s certainly no meaning and purpose to that. Everyone wants a healthy and happy life, but not many have got it.
My suggestion is, don’t live life in fear. And that is an art. It’s a discipline. It’s called devotion. A devotional person is not afraid of life because they have a reason for living. And they know they will not die until their purpose is fulfilled. Whatever that purpose may be. So they feel protected. Eventually, it isn’t just blind faith. They feel that safety and it becomes tangible.
Just like our Infinite Meditation is a bridge between the world and the heart, so with the Chi and Light, which become tangible. When I’m touching it I feel completely safe. Of course, the Chi is the key to feeling safe. It’s the same when you experience that love, you feel safe. It really does become real. The Chi and the love energy- that is what being ‘in love’ actually is, and permeates your inner body, meridians and chakras. You feel so good.
Infinite Meditation becomes something you love so much it does not really need discipline. Of course sometimes you use discipline for mental focus and to become internally strong. Other times you can relax and just ask, “Protect me. Help me to tune in.” We do not need to be Superman or Superwoman to do this work, your willingness will do. You don’t have to be strong. The universe, the truth, is strong on your behalf. Infinitely strong. That’s the reason why we can ask for help. You don’t need to use your petty strength anymore. This is a power we trust. Not like trusting something somebody said or something you read. This is Truth and it has a mighty power to it.
The heart language is revealed when the mind is quiet and the heart open. You don’t yet have to be strong, wise, and loving. What you need is a little willingness. Just a little willingness will do. And reconnect with your heart. I use my heart to ask for protection. Keep us safe. It’s a prayer. You know you are safe when you feel protected and at peace. Inside there’s no fear and you are safe. You can even ask ‘Empower me’ because it is only from a feeling of safety that you feel the inner strength. You just don’t believe you are weak. You are full of radiant Chi and on a spiritual level, filled with light. You are centred, anchored, present, with relaxed focus and love from your heart.
The heart is seat of your soul. Again, it’s a very skilled practice. Your focus and determination will not open it up. It helps you to focus, but does not really open up your heart. Devotion does, beauty, and compassion do open up the heart. And sometimes pain. The heart resonates with beauty, that is love. The heart resonates with grace. The heart responds to kindness and that is the inner joy.
And now you learn devotion. I cannot give this to you because I don’t know what are you devoted to. You do it yourself. Devotion is love in action, the journey of your heart, the motivation of your soul. It gives you extra energy, enables you to go extra mile. Of course, eventually you can use that motivation to climb the mountain, the highest one; to cross the ocean, the deepest one. And that’s the power of your devotion.
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Some artists express their love through their chosen arts. The soul is an artist which seeks expression through a medium such as music, art, dance, and the grace and beauty of Infinite Tai Chi. Chi is the key for the mind and body, creating a foundation which enables your soul to unfold. Love and light is the food for the soul.
Even your meditation is a devotion, and will have a devotional vibration to it. As your meditations deepen, you may reach some level of illumination. When a soul experiences the light, it starts to shine forth but it takes does time to cultivate. That’s what time is for. Time is not just to prolong life. The purpose of time for the spiritual practitioner or awakening soul is to liberate yourself from time. The light adds the power to the soul.
Do you know how important you are down on Earth? Only awakening human beings are able to anchor that purity, divinity, spirituality, whatever you call that, here on earth. Many souls are uplifted because of what you’re doing.
In the present moment there’s no fear. No stress, no feeling of lack or poverty-consciousness. In the present moment, there’s a power of the divinity. Absorb it if you can. The secret to that, again, is loving it. The art of receiving is loving it. Thanking it, full of gratitude, full of appreciation.
At the end of your meditation, open your heart to receive, offering up your empty hands. Don’t bargain. No need to say, “Give this to me. Give that to me.” An open heart will do. Empty your hands, open your heart. This is devotion. It is devotion to your beloved, whatever that is to you. You may love Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Allah, God, the Universe. If you don’t have any worldly affiliation of religion and so forth, it does not matter. It is the universal language. We all recognise what love is.
The great principle of receiving is you do not know you have, until you give. For those who give, they are in love, by the way. Those who do not give, they calculate. And sometimes as they give, they calculate what can they get back. They are poor. When you are giving like that, as an ego-self, there’s a poverty in it.
The spirit gives because it has. The more you give, the more you have.And the Course in Miracles teaching is ‘give all to all’. You are amazingly abundant. You give love, you must have plenty of love. You give money, you must have plenty of money. You help people to be happy and healthy, so you must have plenty of health and happiness. It makes sense. Spirit just loves to give- naturally. The ego doesn’t want to give. It likes to take. Understand the difference. Be a happy spirit.
Now the world is full of problems and worried people. You, wear the world like a light garment. While everybody else is very serious about their worldly life, you’re kind of relaxed. Chill out and get things done. This is amazing. You relax, chill out and get things done. Effortless accomplishment. That is the power of devotion. Those are the side effects. I would ask you to use this wisdom and power and not because I give it to you or introduce it to you, it is your inheritance. It belongs to you actually.
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