Jason Chan’s February Message
I do hope you are keeping warm and optimistic during this rather damp, cold winter. As I write this message, it is sleeting outside my window, and the sleet is reminding me how important it is for us to cultivate an inner radiance that will assist our minds to rise above all the darkness in this world.
The first step to transcending the energetic heaviness and darkness of our physical existence is to do something every day to keep our bodies strong and healthy. However spiritually advanced someone may be, they will find it difficult to maintain an inner radiance if their physical body is weak or in pain.
Of course, we are not really physical beings at all. We are eternal souls dreaming that we are physical beings. But whilst you have a physical body, it is your home and you need to look after it to the best of your ability. Your body is like a house- a neutral space – and how we use that space is entirely down to us. We can thus use our bodies primarily to pursue fleeting physical pleasures, or we can use our bodies as vehicles for spiritual unfoldment, or as a means to become truly helpful in the world.
But before you can use your body for anything, you have to set yourself some goals to meet. Otherwise, your physical existence will just slip by in a blur with very little real meaning to it. Moreover, without setting yourself some positive life goals, your body will tend to deteriorate over time.
I have determined that I am going to enjoy radiant physical health for the rest of my life so that I can lead a truly helpful and fulfilling life on this planet until the very day that I die. I have absolutely decided that I am the boss and that my body can no longer argue with me. I command my body to stay strong and healthy so that I can fulfil my highest purpose this lifetime. So, I feed my body with nutritious food and fill it with radiant chi on a daily basis. I use both ancient and modern skilful means to keep my body vibrant and healthy at all times.
Your worldly or spiritual dreams really cannot come true if your body is too weak or frail. Yet many beautiful, kind, well-meaning individuals do not do enough to look after their physical home this lifetime. They sabotage themselves over and over again by over-drinking, over-eating, or resisting any kind of holistic exercise. Some individuals hate themselves and their lives so much, they even have an underlying death wish and so they slowly smoke or drink themselves to death. What a tragic waste of a truly precious physical incarnation!
I always strongly advise all my students to do everything in their power to maintain a healthy body and a high level of energy. I have noticed that if my energy sinks too low – because I have worked too hard for too long for example – I have little ambition or passion for life for a while until my energy levels recover. When your energy is low, you will tend to want to retreat from life and you will find it really hard to be enthusiastic about your future plans.
We all know what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. The key problem for many individuals is that they just do not love themselves enough to have the motivation to keep themselves in tip-top shape. So please ask yourself, ‘Am I loveable?’ Look at your personality-self and ask ‘Do I love him/her? If you do not answer, ‘Yes, I love myself 100 percent’, you have some self-healing to do!
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The good news is that you can always commit to changing yourself for the better, or you can choose to love yourself unconditionally – warts and all! I assure you that with the right energy and the right mindset, you can definitely decide to love and support yourself unconditionally. You can also decide to transform all of your personality’s weaknesses into strengths.
However, you do have to raise your energy to change your mind from sabotaging yourself to supporting yourself unconditionally at all times. The higher your energetic vibration, the easier it is to command your lower mind so that you can feel safe and so that you can begin to be on your own side throughout all the ups and downs of your daily life. How do you raise your energetic vibration? Well, meditating on a daily basis is one proven means to raise your vibration and your consciousness, whilst another is to practise some kind of chi exercise daily – such as my Infinite Chi Kung sequences or Infinite Tai Chi.
With the right energy and the right mindset, I promise you that the world can become your oyster. Once you have raised your energy and calmed your mind, you can ask yourself, ‘What do I really, really want this lifetime?’ But please do not just tell yourself, ‘I want to survive into old age so that I can collect my pension for a while before I die.’ How boring! How meaningless!
Do you realise that you have come down here to earth for a while to unfold your highest potential, not to live to be old enough to spend your pension!! With radiant physical health, the right energy, right mindset and the right motivation you can live an incredibly fulfilling and helpful life for the rest of your life. But first, you have to realise that everything you experience in life begins in your own mind. So, cultivate an awareness that can notice your mind sabotaging your highest dreams with negative thoughts, such as ‘Who are you to have such an amazing role to fulfil this lifetime?’
Once you become more aware of how your negative thoughts influence your life, you can begin the wonderful work of changing your mind from negative to positive. Please start to think big. Start to really believe in yourself. Love yourself so much that you always keep your body healthy, your energy high and your mind strong on a day-to-day basis, and sooner or later your life will become truly miraculous!
Light and Blessings,
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