The wisdom and the teaching does not come from me, rather it comes through me. In the teaching, I have to empty my mind first. I was leading a retreat in Nerja this New Year, a beautiful resort in southern Spain which is surrounded by the sea, and mountains. Our retreat villa had a lovely pool and garden, the warm sun shone on us. And I realised all of this was being given to us. How did we find that beautiful place? We were attracting it. We did not find it, it found us. To my humble personality-self, as well as to my awareness, it felt like a gift. It felt that we were in the right place in the right moment.
Yet Nerja is not perfect, as many things in life are not “perfect”, like relationship, career, finances, but they have been given to you. The house you live in may not be perfect. The car you’re driving may not be perfect, but it’s been given to you. And that also includes your problems. They are being given to you.
I am sure you do not want problems, but the wisdom is like this: they happen for you. They are not happening to you. I love that wisdom, it is so simple, so profound. So if you say, “I’ve got a problem” what if you can say this instead? Suddenly your problem dissolves. The problem is arising for you. It’s not happening to you.
As human beings, we tend to view events as “that’s good, that’s not good”. “That’s good, that’s fantastic, that’s not so fantastic” and so forth. When you see that the whole situation is happening for you, then suddenly the whole scenario opens up. There’s a paradigm shift in your perception on life. Life becomes kind, not harsh. You just changed one word.
Life happens for you. Amazing.
So the next question becomes clearer. Why or what is it for? And the wisdom, the beauty of life, unfolds. Because life continues to unfold for you.Everything that happens to you, is for you. Isn’t it beautiful?
Why is your relationship challenging, or your career not progressing as you’d like, your health not so good? When your world view is that life’s not fair, you were unfairly treated or betrayed, then you are still believing that it happened to you. What if that divorce happened for you, not forced upon you? Your bitterness disappears. Opportunities open.
I don’t insist I have a hard life, or whatever. If it happens for me, then another philosophy I adopt is, it is all for my highest good. How about that?
So when you’re in despair, when life seems unfair, when you want to run away, or shout at someone, remember – Life happens for me, for my highest good.
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When we sit with a friend who is suffering in some way, we are joining with them. When we listen to that friend, not only is their fear released, but also we learn from them too. That gives us strength. There’s something important I want to share with you. One and one is not two. When I have talked with a troubled friend, listening to their fears, we have both become stronger. This is the spirit of human kindness. One and one is much more than two when we join with a friend. Darkness is dispelled through the conversation, a miracle happens.
When a friend talks about their fear, you notice you have the same fear, we all do. And suddenly you’re not only listening to the other person, both of you together are dispelling fear and darkness.
When I’m in my darkest hour or at my loneliest I can confide in a spiritual friend. Not because I’m dumping my darkness or loneliness onto them. But because in joining, miracles happen. Both of you are being empowered by these mystical things. That is true communication. Then I’m witnessing it, I’m practising it. It’s warming, it’s uplifting. It transforms me, and them. It transforms both of you. That’s the miracle.
Suddenly you see everything happens for you. Isn’t it amazing? And if it is for your highest good, your highest good is not selfish.
Your highest good and everyone’s highest good is exactly the same.
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