You Are Here to Shine
This month, my message to you is a heartfelt plea to shine your light more brightly in our troubled world. Our world is not doing so well at the moment, and I intuitively feel that it is time for all of us who have been on our spiritual path for some time, to step up and to start to lead the way out of collective fear and darkness into the light.
Do you realise that you are actually more afraid of your inner brilliance than your inner darkness? Most people, even dedicated spiritual seekers, say to themselves – either consciously or sub-consciously – ‘Who am I to be a shining star in this dark world?’ But when you play small, nobody benefits: you remain part of the problem, rather than becoming part of the solution.
There is nothing spiritual about playing small in order to stay safely in our comfort zone in this world. We need to be strong and courageous as we take a vow to reach our true potential this lifetime, however challenging the path to reaching it may be at times. In truth, we are all meant to shine. We were all born to reflect the glory of heaven, but then we forget our true nature so quickly when we manifest as dense physical matter on Planet Earth.
Many angels come down here to shine, but then as soon as they hit gross, physical matter, they more or less completely forget their true identity. They get trapped in a relatively loveless, fearful, state of human consciousness. This state of mind is so uncomfortable that some angelic souls put on a lot of weight trying to protect themselves from the world, whilst others may starve themselves because they hate their heavy, uncomfortable physical body so much. Others still may drink too much, take drugs, or simply sink down into a depressive or anxious state that may last a lifetime.
The really good news is that as we can all learn to let our inner light shine out more and more brightly. We can learn to fill ourselves up with a very bright inner light – for example by practising Infinite Tai Chi and Infinite Chi Kung. Then, we can extend this bright inner light out into the world around us. As we do this, we will automatically give others permission to shine too.
So many of us are fed up because we have no idea that life on earth here can be truly miraculous – if we know how to raise our consciousness high enough to transcend all human fear and hatred. Only then can we demonstrate to the world that living a truly beautiful, helpful and fulfilled life on earth is not just perfectly possible but incredibly rewarding.
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Some very genuine spiritual practitioners still struggle through life. They feel frustrated or unfulfilled because they have not yet claimed their true greatness as a Child of God. Moreover, when their life takes an unexpected turn of some kind, they tend to fall back into a fearful state, rather than remembering that they are an incredibly powerful eternal soul. Someone steals their car, and they are outraged. Their partner leaves them, and they insist on being totally miserable for decades because they feel so abandoned or betrayed. How can an eternal soul that is dwelling in infinite love and light ever be abandoned? In an enlightened state of consciousness, the very idea of being abandoned simply makes no sense whatsoever.
Of course, it usually takes us a lot of time and effort to gradually rise into enlightened consciousness. But wherever we are on our spiritual journey, we always have the power of choice. We can choose to identify with that judgemental, attacking egoic voice in our head that is always telling us that we are not good enough and that the world around us is awful. Or we can insist that we are the perfect Child of God just dreaming a frightening but very temporary dream as a human being.
Now you may object here that people who think they are perfect are just deluded narcissists. But I am not talking about seeing our personality-self as perfect. Of course, all personalities have particular strengths and weaknesses and are certainly not ‘perfect’. I am referring to the perfection of our eternal souls that are temporarily going through a dream life in a physical body and an egoic mind.
Young children tend to shine naturally. They will sing and dance in front of total strangers who are often mesmerised by their innocence, their aliveness and their moment to moment joy and wonder. But as we grow older, we begin to become self-conscious and we also lose some of our primordial energy (Jing) and so very often, we diminish our natural, sunshine-like aliveness and inner beauty.
To shine brightly in this world, we all need to keep cultivating life-supporting energy or Chi. If you do not have much energy, and your body feels weak or tired, your consciousness will inevitably sink to a relatively low level, and then your inner light will dim. On the other hand, if you protect your Jing by not over-stressing yourself, and then keep cultivating Radiant Chi, you can rise above all kinds of fears and weaknesses and finally connect to Spirit (Shen). Then and only then, can you begin to shine out brightly, even in our relatively gloomy world.
According to Taoists, cultivating the ‘Three Treasures of ‘Jing, Chi, Shen’ will really assist you to lead a long and healthy life. Moreover, if you make a vow to keep raising your consciousness until you reach the level of pure love and light, your life will not only be exceptionally fulfilling and rewarding, but you will eventually become a shining star guiding others to shine their own soul’s light out into the world around them just as you have done.