Happiness is Letting Go of Grievances
As I write this message to you, I am assuming that you really long to be truly happy and ‘in love’ throughout 2016. I am also guessing that you do not want to live this wonderful year in pain and bitterness. So, if I have guessed right about you, I now have a deeply healing practice that you might like to adopt during the year ahead. But first I want to explain to you why you probably find life on earth pretty challenging so much of the time.
Do you know that many angelic beings come down to earth on a mission and then, because this world is so heavy and loveless, they soon completely forget their true identity? Moreover, as they grow up and experience fear and other types of emotional and physical pain, they automatically start to hold a lot of grievances against the world and these stored grievances begin to weigh them down energetically, mentally and emotionally. These beautiful angels then become so trapped in painful human consciousness that they tend to totally lose touch with all their incredible spiritual grace, strength and inner joy.
It is so tragic when loving beings become trapped in a really unhappy, lonely, loveless state of consciousness and at heart, we are all loving beings. But when we forget our true, angelic nature, we all tend to trap ourselves in very restrictive worldly roles. We start to say to ourselves and others ‘I am an accountant’ or ‘I am a parent’, or even worse, we may start to believe that ‘I am an unsuccessful accountant’ or ‘I am a bad parent’. We may even work so hard to gain worldly success so that we can buy more and more stuff that we lose our connection to own soul and forget our true inner beauty. What a price most people pay for their endless search for more, more and more again!
The really good news that I want to share with you in this message is that when we finally begin to realise how unfulfilling and painful an unawakened life on earth can be, this deep pain and longing of the heart can begin to push us to awake and to heal ourselves on a very deep level. Some individuals may have to reach rock bottom before they get down on their knees and pray ‘Please help me to find a better way to live than this!’ But this sincere prayer is always answered by an infinitely loving and powerful higher authority.
Unfortunately, not even God Himself can just magic you happy. Why not? – Because God, or Life Itself, always respects your free will and choice to be right, rather than happy. What do I mean by this? Well, some human beings would definitely rather hang onto some very long held grievances than admit that they were mistaken and then ask for divine help in letting them go. For example, I once met a healing client (now deceased) who was extremely bitter about her mother-in-law and absolutely determined not to forgive her mother-in-law for the wrongs she perceived that she had done to her.
Of course, I respected this client’s choice to hang onto this major grievance in her life, even though I knew intuitively that it was causing her a lot of harm. Holding onto grievances like this actually poisons our whole energy system with dark, heavy toxic energy and then in the long run, this toxic energy can lead to major physical health problems.
So why not decide that this month, you are going to let go of three grievances against people in your life that, whether you realise it or not, are keeping you stuck in pain and suffering. For example, if when you think of your mother or father, you notice even a twinge of resentment, bitterness or irritation in your mind and heart, you are still holding some grievance against them for the hurt you experienced as a child in their care. There is no need to feel guilty about this. All of us experience being hurt by our parents as we grow up and even the most kind, loving parents are bound to make some mistakes in relation to their children from time to time.
But when we become aware that we are still hanging onto a grievance about something our mother or father said or did to us over 20, 30 or even 40 years ago, it is probably time to commit to letting that grievance go. How do you do that? It is really quite simple. The most important step in releasing any kind of grievance is simply to be willing to let it go. Sit quietly and ask your intuitive heart ‘Is it time to let this ancient grievance go?’ Then if your heart answers ‘Yes!’, you can ask a much higher power, or pray to an ascended master such as Jesus or Buddha, to assist you to let go of this grievance so that you can return home to love.
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You can use this simple healing practice in relation to anyone or anything that is currently ‘bugging’ you in your life – your partner, an ex-partner, a colleague, a sibling – anyone who irritates your peace of mind when you think about them is a good focus for this deep self-healing practice.
Just please bear in mind, as you practice this life-saving art of letting go of grievances, that the world we see is basically a reflection of what is in our own mind and hearts. As A Course in Miracles so wisely points out:
Your picture of the world can only mirror what is within.
The source of neither light not darkness can be found without.
Grievances darken your mind, and you look out on a darkened world.
Forgiveness lifts the darkness, reasserts your will, and lets you look upon a world of light. (Workbook Lesson 73)
So I will pray this month that your forgiveness will light up your world in 2016 and enlighten all those whom you love and cherish!