Connecting to Divine Love
Genuinely advanced spiritual practitioners tap into the power of Divine Love. This love can counter-balance all the fear and hatred in our extremely troubled world. This love has a very high vibrational level and so most human beings are not aware of its presence. But I can assure you that it is very real and always available to us.
Divine love is closely connected to a spiritual vision that bypasses intellectual logic and understanding. Ultimately, as you heal and awake more and more, you will find that you can finally embody the spiritual light and develop clear spiritual vision. After a deep meditation, for example, you may be aware that true spiritual vision has been restored to you. Some meditators see incandescent colours. Others may see a light surrounding all physical forms. But please note that less visually aware practitioners may use other senses to connect to spiritual vision. For example, they may hear an inner voice that they identify as Jesus Christ or Buddha, or they may develop heart-centred intuition.
If you do find yourself developing spiritual vision please do not let your ego tempt you into becoming arrogant about it. This vision is universal. It does not in any sense belong to you, but when you learn how to connect to it, you can definitely use it to be of more help in our world.
As we awake more and more, we will also inevitably become more compassionate and more loving. When I was a young man, I really was not a compassionate or patient person. When I was stressed, I could sometimes shout at my employees, or feel rather irritated by my loving mother. I had to work pretty hard for quite some time to cultivate true compassion and patience, but now they come much more naturally to me. I used to teach a bit like a slave driver, because I was so impatient for my students to ‘see the light’. But fortunately for my current students, I don’t do that anymore! However, internally I am still longing for all my students to grow and awake as quickly as possible, so that they can go out into the world and assist others to find lasting inner peace, joy and love.
I am not really a political type of person and I try not to assume that I know better than all our world leaders how we might solve all the terribly pressing problems in our world. But I do know that this world will never be at peace until the majority of human beings have raised their consciousness up to the level at which they connect to divine love and light. We may not reach this great leap in human consciousness any time soon, but I am strangely optimistic that we will all get there eventually and that every individual who makes a real commitment to their own awakening and healing path does make a real difference in the world.
But please note that connecting to pure love and light is not the same as complete enlightenment. Lots of genuine spiritual practitioners ‘see the light’ at some point on their spiritual journey and then some naïve individuals may assume that this means that they are now enlightened. But true enlightenment is not something that any individual attains. Becoming enlightened is certainly not at all like being awarded some kind of advanced spiritual degree.
Enlightenment means to know your true-self and to know Life Itself, and when you reach this spiritual state, you will automatically transcend your egoic selfhood and the physical world completely. Only one in about 10 million people are truly inspired to seek total enlightenment at all costs. Most people, including most spiritual practitioners just want to be healthy and happy with a good relationship, and, as they evolve, they may also want to help others. So my sincere advice to you as another year rushes to an end, is not to strive and strive egotistically to attain spiritual enlightenment, but simply to do everything you can to experience true love and happiness each and every day of your life. Then simply commit to sharing this love and happiness with everyone you meet.
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Focus on love, commit to being the most loving human being you can imagine and then just do everything in your power to remove all blocks to love from your system and your ultimate destination will never be in doubt. Even though most people are not consciously seeking enlightenment, I have to tell you that everyone’s enlightenment is inevitable, either this lifetime or 10,000 lifetimes hence.
No one can deny who they truly are forever. So although spiritual enlightenment may well be your ultimate goal, I would strongly suggest that you dream a very happy dream this lifetime as a normal human being first. Enjoy a wonderful – but extremely temporary – physical life, in which you love and are loved in return. But at the same time practise diligently to transcend this troubled physical world entirely. This may sound like a paradox to you, but the true spiritual path is full of such wonderful paradoxes or Koans!
Please now love yourself, love your family, love your friends and absolutely refuse to live another moment of your beautiful, precious life in fear or loathing. Surrender your past, present and your future to Divine Love and then just sit back and enjoy the absolutely incredible ride, knowing that in the end ‘All Will Be Well’ beyond your wildest dreams.
Wishing you and all your loved ones a Miraculous Christmas and New Year!