True healing has nothing to do with trying to remove the physical symptoms of any illness, although a significant reduction in physical pain or weakness is usually a most welcome side effect of any deep healing process. True healing means returning to wholeness. If you are whole, you cannot get sick. If you are sick you are not whole. The whole mind is as vast and bright as a star-lit sky. But nobody in our world is in their whole mind and so everyone is sick.
The healing journey is simply a return to perfect Oneness. We have fragmented ourselves for eons of time, but now is the time to begin to bring ourselves back together again. This may make no sense to your logical, intellectual mind. But you are not just this mind. You are an eternal soul longing to go home to perfect love and perfect oneness.
True healing is a life-long journey with so much passion and joy in it, as well as some painful releasing of deep egoic fear and guilt. Once you fully ‘get’ the core principles of Infinite Healing, you will become a healer in this world, without necessarily labelling yourself as any kind of worldly healer. Your very presence will become a naturally healing power in the world. You will become a master of the healing art, whatever type of worldly work you choose to do. You could be an accountant or a soldier and still be a true healer!
We all have the potential to heal ourselves and others using nothing but our own mind and energy – connected to a much higher healing power. But most of us never get the opportunity to study or practise an effective healing art. When I teach Ling Chi Healing, I am not teaching anything that you can yet find in a book, because Ling Chi Healing is ahead of its time by several decades. However, I am now certain that one day soon, more and more individuals will be able to heal themselves on the deepest of levels using only the infinite power of the mind.
The first and most crucial step in true healing is to acknowledge is that it is our minds that make us sick. Most human beings spend virtually their whole lives being either fearful or angry. But whenever we entertain even a twinge of anxiety or irritation, we are separating ourselves from the wholeness of Life Itself and so we suffer and get sick.
Self-healing is actually a conscious choice that we will all make sooner or later. Why do you not make it now? Vow here and now that you want to be whole again and then make this vow much stronger by insisting, ‘I will be whole once again.’ ‘I want to be whole.’ is a good start, but this statement lacks real conviction and power. ‘I will be whole.’ is a much more powerful vow.
After making this intention, please reinforce your commitment to self-healing on a regular basis. You just have to keep stoking the fires of your burning desire to rise above all sickness and separation so that you can return home to wholeness.
Your will to heal all aspects of your separation from wholeness has to become steadfast because you will inevitably experience resistance to deep self-healing. So cultivate a range of skilful means to heal yourself. We recommend energy work to expand your consciousness and raise your energetic vibration such as our Infinite Tai Chi, Chi Kung and Meditation.
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Most people believe that something external is to blame for their ill health: a virus, a bacterial infection, a careless driver crashing into them, a vitamin or hormone deficiency, and so on. This is not the case. The external form is a reflection of the internal. All sickness is the effect, not the cause. So, the first step in returning to perfect health and wholeness is to open up to the possibility that sickness is caused by the egoic mind.
So, we learn to cut through and release the negative thoughts that generate negative energy. This would otherwise, in time, manifest as pain and/or sickness. As a healer, you need to learn how to notice and release each fearful thought and angry thought, until your mind is completely peaceful. As your consciousness expands, you develop a supreme awareness that notices every negative thought. With continual release, you become more and more in a state of peace. And this is where healing happens.
So please pause and ask yourself, ‘Do I really want to be whole?’ It has to be your free will and choice. Sadly, many of us inevitably experience great resistance to the healing path, because we are not at all used to being whole. We have not only learnt to cope with being broken; being broken is now our core identity as an egoic-self. So now, we are frightened of losing this broken, but familiar, self. Moreover, most people in our world are so mesmerised by the illusion of worldly success that they do not even notice that their soul is longing to return home to Oneness.
If you really long to become whole, you can still enjoy some of the trinkets that this world has to offer, but your core goal in life becomes to awaken and to heal. Eventually, deep self-healing becomes a way of life.
Sickness can be totally healed because all human pain and suffering is ultimately unreal. Our suffering is fundamentally just a dream that we are dreaming. However, to understand this, we need to become exceptionally conscious. Most human beings are intelligent, but sleep-walking through life in a semi-conscious state, and they remain unaware of the true cause of suffering. In our relatively unconscious world, sickness is the norm, while lasting health and happiness are extremely rare.
At first, Infinite Healing can seem complex, as we learn how to release the seeds of specific types of ill-health and suffering from our system one by one. Eventually however, the healing process becomes quite clear; it is a process of undoing and releasing negative energy, thoughts, behaviours and beliefs, and filling your being with bright, light-filled energy and love for yourself and all creation. This is the really good news about Infinite Healing that I want to share with you: healing is a return to who we truly are. It is a return to our natural state of love, joy and wonder. How can sickness possibly exist here?
It is only our egoic resistance to returning home to perfect wholeness and perfect love that seems to complicate matters. Rise above the resistance step by step, and suddenly you will find yourself back where you always belonged – dwelling in blissful, infinite wholeness and infinite love. Who could possibly suffer in any way at all in such a heavenly state of consciousness? No one!
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