This course is not for the ego/personality self, but mainly for the advanced spiritual practitioner.
The spiritual and energetic presence of this course will be quite potent. The core intention of this course is to assist advanced spiritual practitioners to attain self-mastership, and, ultimately, ‘Self Realisation’. Please be aware before you apply to join this course that you ego-self will try to erect tremendous barriers against your successful completion of it.
This most advanced Infinite Arts training course represents the last few steps of the long journey back home. At this time in our human evolution, it will be suitable for a few souls only, but it represents a path that ultimately all souls have to tread.
Aspiring students should feel that they are living their last one or two lifetimes here on Earth. They should already in some degree tread on the path of selfless service, unbroken daily dedication to their homeward journey and unequivocally be following their internal ” Holy Spirit/Higher-Intelligence” guidance.