Infinite Arts first ever conference took place in Cork, Ireland on November 7th 2015.
The theme “I am here to Shine” is dear to our hearts. Our speakers, from their different backgrounds were invited to explore its meaning and how to achieve it. William Meader came the perspective of New Age Wisdom; the innate consciousness within everything, from cells to stars,and the evolution of the soul Francis Bennett shared from his life as a Trappist monk who also studied Buddhist philosophy, and offered a heart-centred approach. Jane Rogers highlighted from A Course in Miracles, that in order to shine our true light we must remove the obscurations to it through healing ourselves. Irina Popova revealed her own light shining forth in her demonstration of Infinite Tai Chi.
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Our intention was to reach out to the audience with one vision, but different ways of getting there. The Infinite Arts is delighted by the positive feedback that was received from the audience and our speakers, and Conference 2016 is already in the planning stage.
Our heart-felt appreciation goes to all our speakers, and to Jane Metcalfe for her support and for reading most beautifully the poems of Steve Taylor; to Liz Moloney for her tireless work as a volunteer; to Jonathan Jelfs the event photographer; to our great audience; and to Jason Chan for his inspiration.