a conscious choice
Every moment, choose again
We are living in a fear-based world which is in perpetual cycles of war, pestilence, floods and fires. Any of which may increase your personal levels of fear or anxiety. But does it have to be like that? Ask yourself if you want to live in love or fear? Surprisingly, most people want to live in fear. We seemingly enjoy this egoic, egocentric life, based as it is on competition, busyness, pride, excitement, over-stimulation, anxiety, anger and suspicion. Ask yourself another question. Do you yearn to live a life centred on Love, compassion, empathy, kindness, generosity? If so, you have to make it a conscious choice.
The way you live your life must be made consciously, otherwise the default egoic belief system will run the show. According to Dr. David R. Hawkins in his book Power vs Force, about 80% of the population operate on this system which governs your lower mind and the manifestation of the body. A lot of fear hides in the body, so ‘Something wrong with the world’ becomes your world view. Fearfulness makes you selfish because it makes you go into survival mode. You only have to observe the present panic- buying of food, hand sanitisers and toilet rolls to see this is the case.
The operating system based on love, definitely has to be a choice made consciously, because it is far easier to go with the collective consciousness. You have to become aware that you do have a choice to choose differently.
Although awakened souls still do experience fear, they are able to manage it better because they have more positive emotions. Occasionally they may have depression, anger etc. because that is the default, and of course none of us are perfect. We can but do our best to live in love and not fear. Sometimes we succeed, sometimes not. We all are in a process of becoming. No-one arrives in this world.
Reflect on how much of your thoughts and decisions arise from fear, and how much from love. In truth, you can’t help yourself. Your thoughts will always revert to the default egoic programming unless you choose otherwise. So set your goal every day for love. To succeed in this requires some time out to experience your true self, and to release the mind stuff every day – a kind of mental detox.
When feeling fearful or anxious, meditate, with the goal of cultivating radiant chi, opening the energy channels with light and increasing your awareness. Then, let all collective fearful thoughts and feelings ‘sink’ to the bottom of the pond. Don’t stir them. Let them settle. Notice the emotional state but don’t agitate it further. You start to see more clearly again.Gradually you will cultivate more bright energy to open your heart. The heart will start to transcend the needy, judgemental thinking mind. The heart prayer is to quiet all the turbulence, and come to a sense of peaceful aliveness and safety. Defence/ attack mechanisms calm down. You notice there’s no need to attack because there is no world against you. No-one is challenging you, you are safe. Subtle anxiety subsides. No struggle to survive. All this grace transforms the animalistic instinct of survival to set your self free. The result of this liberation is peace. The sorrow and darkness are released until you feel the foreverness of love. That is your inheritance, the thought system we call love. Within that foreverness is your eternal nature. Eternal life is inside of you, you just have to remove the obstacles to feel it.
You have coped so well and for so long with an unsatisfactory state of being, and got used to it. Now it is time to get back in touch with the spacious beauty that’s inside of you. It is your true self.
In meditation, you find this safe space, your refuge or sanctuary. You can come here again and again, for peace, nurturing, spiritual nourishment and comfort. No matter what’s going on in the world. Your energetic vibration will rise and fill your physical, mental and emotional form with brightness
When you use your thinking mind, you don’t feel safe, but when the mind is still, you do. Here in your inner world, safety and peace come together, all the humanness – the aggression, survival instinct, disappear. You are abiding in comfort.
Nothing real can be threatened; nothing unreal exists; herein lies the peace of God.
A Course in Miracles
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In the Infinite Arts we use the energy of the golden sun, or if you want to nurture yourself, the silver moon. All human beings have some darkness and attack thoughts, which, if you are strong and vibrant, can not harm you. However when you feel physically, emotionally or mentally challenged, the immune system weakens and those elements start to attack the weak points in your body and mind. You protect yourself by removing all attack thoughts or intentions. You do this by opening your energetic system (meridians, chakras) to let the light go in. Borrow it from the sun and earth, embracing the nature power and purity. The Light, wisdom and love moves through you removing impurities and harmful intentions. I recommend purifying your being on a daily basis.
You notice that energy follows your mind, so we safeguard our mind. Learn the art to detox and purify your mind utilising the beauty and love of your heart. That is how powerful love is.
Can you love your enemy? This is not a psychology or philosophy. Loving your enemy means loving your mind, because your enemy exists only in your mind. It’s important to understand what it means by loving your enemy. There’s no enemy outside of you. The enemy outside is reflecting the enemy inside of you. The enemy outside is only the symbol, it’s not real. It’s the mind that makes it real. When you can love your enemy, it actually means you can love yourself.
When the heart flowers after eons of time of being closed, it feels so much pain, which at the same time is so beautiful. Over time, you train your mind to serve your heart and this love from your open heart permeates your whole being. That is your transformation.
The heart transcends the intellectual mind. Learn its language. The heart expresses itself as truth, which can also be termed love at work. This is at the level of miracles. The mind just can’t do it. The well-connected open heart is love itself, and the next step is to express it in worldly life. When you express your heart through words, they are always beautiful, kind, and resonate with truth.
In truth you are love, and as you extend your Light, the whole body and mind starts to illuminate. Without darkness, there is no such thing as sickness. Impossible.
Potentially you are pure Consciousness. The lower dualistic mind is still, your higher knowing mind is restored. One day your consciousness becomes one with the field of consciousness. Thus the masters and sages of the past say ‘there is no mind’. Actually there is just one mind. ‘The Father and I are One’.
You can choose a dysfunctional world, full of guilt and fear with occasional happiness- that is human existence. Or, totally awake, filled with love, and free. It is a conscious choice. Transformation happens in this moment because you choose it. Do it now.
Great miracles can happen through you, as you extend peace, love and beauty into this world. The world has need of it.
Jason Chan
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