A Precious Birth is the opportunity to Awake.
Today, we have so much spiritual information at our fingertips, but we still need to cultivate skilful means to lead us to direct experience of the truth.
Yet very few individuals can do this. First of all, to have any chance of searching for the truth, you need good karma to have a ‘precious birth’ giving the freedom and resources to pursue a spiritual life. You need a relatively strong and healthy body to tread the awakening path, so healthy DNA and access to clean water and nutritious food is essential. You are also born into a particular culture with its own set of customs and beliefs. These factors play a part in whether you will have an opportunity to awake this lifetime.
When your body is strong and healthy, you will naturally feel more alive and more enthusiastic about life. Some individuals tend to ignore their body because they do not feel comfortable living in this heavy, physical world and they withdraw into a fantasy world inside their head. Other individuals spend all of their limited energy pursuing material wealth and physical pleasure.
If you were living in a war-torn country, you would be far too preoccupied and stressed out to follow any kind of spiritual path to the truth. So where you are born is such an important factor in your awakening journey. But even then, you still have to answer the call to awake this lifetime, and many will ignore this call, whilst others put off becoming a genuine spiritual seeker until far too late in life.
Once you take the decision to tread on a spiritual path, you will spend a lot of time and effort building strong foundations for further awakening. Certain skills and gifts are very helpful at this stage, such as a mature intellect for understanding basic spiritual principles, the ability to read spiritual texts and reflect on them with an open, curious mind, and the receptivity to assimilate deep wisdom. At the same time, keep experimenting so that you can have direct experience of the truth. To do all of this, you have to sharpen your body and mind and establish a regular mediation practice.
With the clear and spacious consciousness that comes from meditation, you may gain a glimpse of that fearless state of awareness, because when the mind does not move at all, it does not create a single fearful thought. Once you attain such a high vibrational level, you can really feel the Peace of God for a while. This state of being is an essential element to experiencing an out-of-this-world light or love energy pouring down on you.
As you awake, you may go through a phase of feeling extremely vulnerable and overwhelmed by all the suffering in this world, so do empower yourself to become strong and stable in the light. Cultivate inner radiance to support your further awakening through holistic exercise. This will create a radiant body and a bright, strong personality for yourself.
The first level of spiritual empowerment is to be able to hold radiant chi in every cell of your being. Chi holds all the elements – earth, water, fire, air, spaciousness – within it and holding chi clears your mind as well as strengthening your body.
As you cultivate this radiant chi and open up to its natural flow within you, you will feel much more spacious and alive. Strengthening your three lower energy centres will keep you well-grounded while your energy starts to spiral up towards the Light. If you root into the earth as you reach up to heaven, you will eventually be able to go much higher into the light, and free your personality-self from all kinds of limitations.
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Advanced Infinite Tai Chi practitioners touch the essence of life with every move that they make whilst performing their art. They are able to still their mind and open their heart, and can move with the presence of Love energy. When you have experienced Love energy flowing all around you and through you over and over again, you will know that pure love is both within you and within every aspect of the whole universe.
As you continue to awake, tremendous amounts of a powerful life-force will pour into your brain, and if you are not well prepared, this life force can affect your nervous system. The more you open your mind and heart, the more sensitive and vulnerable you may feel and so you need to be really well grounded to keep climbing the path to the top of the mountain. It is wise to maintain a daily energy practice such as Infinite Tai Chi and Chi Kung to top up with radiant energy or you may not function well at all in this troubled world.
Christian mystics have traditionally focused on Christ as a meditative object and Buddhist mystics do exactly the same type of practices – they just use different images. The core idea is to connect to the essence of a deity or ascended spiritual master in order to receive empowerment from them and to cultivate their core qualities such as wisdom and compassion.
Resonance with a particular deity or spiritual master such as Buddha or Jesus is so important because it really assists practitioners to raise their own consciousness higher so that they can be lifted up way beyond any expansion of awareness that they might attain just using their own will power and strength. Visualising a particular deity and then absorbing their enlightened energy thus assists practitioners to unfold speedily.
The quick path to enlightenment is definitely not for the half-hearted or under-prepared spiritual seeker. It takes great intelligence, strength and courage to keep going on this challenging path to the ‘top of the mountain’. So if you are not already well prepared, I suggest you keep treading on a gentler path to the truth, because we are all going to get there in the end.
As A Course in Miracles points out, free will does not mean that we can choose the awakening curriculum. All genuine spiritual paths point to the same truths and so at heart all spiritual practitioners are following the same curriculum. The only real choice we have is how much and how quickly we want to advance on the path at any given time or in any one lifetime.
If you are reading this, I am assuming you are on some sort of spiritual journey, and so must have had a precious birth. Treasure this opportunity, and don’t waste it.
Eternal blessings,
© Jason Chan May 2021
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