Do you know the true purpose of your life? Most people are spending their daily lives just to make enough money to feed, clothe and house their families. A privileged minority can use their time in the pursuit of pleasure, adventure or luxurious comfort. Only a tiny minority of human beings are blessed enough to take up the opportunity to utilise their daily life to awaken to the miraculous truth about life.
If you are one of these exceptionally blessed human beings, please do not go on wasting each precious day of the rest of your life here. Keep reminding yourself that this planet is the perfect training ground for advanced, mature souls who long to free themselves from illusion .
I know that many of you reading this message regularly attend spiritual courses and retreats, although recently you have only been able to do so online. When a group of sincere seekers come together on a spiritual course or retreat, miracles happen. I have now seen miracles happening hundreds if not thousands of times over the course of over 30 years of running Infinite Arts workshops, courses and retreats. When we get together to practise, our collective vibration and consciousness soars upwards for a while.
Sometimes on a long retreat, participants may feel like they are wading through hell as some of their suppressed inner fear and darkness rises up to be released into the light. At other times however, they may feel as though they have passed over into heaven as their whole being is flooded with so much unconditional love and light. Once tasted, these blissful moments are never forgotten. However, their transformative impact can definitely be lost if we do not make a supreme effort to keep practising diligently throughout all the challenges of our daily life.
The danger is that however many spiritual retreats and courses you attend, as soon as you go back to your daily life, your vibration and consciousness fall back down to an old, habitual level. You then also tend to go back to your old ways of thinking and feeling. Whilst you were on retreat, you felt nothing but an intense love for all the other participants. But once you got back home, your mother-in-law irritated you so much once again that you secretly – or not so secretly – wished that she would just go away. Those wonderful feelings of pure love that you experienced on retreat became just another beautiful memory, whilst your daily life continued to be dull, disappointing, or even unbearable at times.
How can you avoid all your insights and spiritual experiences becoming nothing more than fading memories?
The first thing to do is to establish some kind of regular daily practice and then do not be tempted by anything whatsoever to deviate from it. You commit to meditating for 30 minutes at the start of every day of the week and you don’t stop just because you have a bad cold or cough. You commit to doing Infinite Chi Kung and or Infinite Tai Chi every evening, and you keep going, even when your right shoulder hurts every time you raise your arm.
Please do not allow your personality-self to come up with 1001 excuses for not practising today. ‘I don’t feel well. I need to rest.’ ‘I have to work overtime this week and have no time to practise.’ I am too worried about my sick child to practise just now.’ Do not sabotage your spiritual progress like this! If you give up practising whenever the going gets a little rough, you delay your further healing and awakening.
Once you see your daily life as primarily a classroom for the awakening soul, your whole perspective on life can shift dramatically. The mother-in-law who irritates you can become the best teacher you could possibly imagine to teach you the art of true forgiveness. Your son who drinks heavily becomes the one who is teaching you to let go of your attachment to your children leading perfect lives. Your partner whose snoring is driving you nuts becomes the perfect healing partner to teach you the spiritual arts of tolerance and total acceptance of ‘what is.’
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Now I know that life here will continue to press your buttons day in and day out and I am certainly not asking you to be love and nothing but love 100 percent of the time. Only an angel can do this! But I am asking you to keep diligently practising until you are dwelling in love for at least 51 percent of each and every day. I urge you to do this because then I know that embodying Love Energy will inevitably transform every aspect of your life sooner rather than later. Think of your daily practice from now on as a test on your ability to be a radiant, calm and loving presence.
No spiritual teacher or guide expects their students to practise perfectly. In A Course in Miracles, Jesus is fully aware that those studying and practising the Course will be tempted to miss any number of suggested practice sessions. But he then warns his students not to skip a practice period ‘because you are unwilling to devote the time to it that you are asked to give. Do not deceive yourself in this. Unwillingness can be most carefully concealed behind a cloak of situations you cannot control. Learn to distinguish situations that are poorly suited to your practising from those that you establish to uphold a camouflage for your unwillingness…
Jesus goes on to warn his students: pursuing worldly goals will give you nothing real or lasting, whereas your practising can offer everything to you.’
I would say the same about practising The Infinite Arts. I know these arts can be miraculously transformative, but I have also seen students slip a long way backwards because they gave up practising for a while. I have to tell you that there is absolutely nothing in this world that would now tempt me to give up my daily practices. I now know without a shadow of a doubt that everything this world appears to offer us is but a mirage. What looks like gold has no real or lasting value in it. What looks like love to the personality-self is simply a strong egoic desire that will pass very quickly once the ego possesses the object it longed for so much.
The ego will go on tempting you to seek for lasting happiness in the external world around you. But as ACIM points out, the ego will encourage your search for love very actively whilst making one proviso: do not find it. The ego will insist that you do not have enough time or energy to devote to a daily spiritual practice because you need to go out into the world to find the love/prestige/security you so desperately seek. But true love and safety will never be found outside of you, but only deep within your own mind and heart. This is why I constantly urge my advanced students to practise and practise and then practise some more.
I know that only regular spiritual practice can eventually dissolve away all our internal blocks to a constant awareness of Love’s eternal presence in our lives. If we really commit wholeheartedly to a daily spiritual practice, and stick to it through thick and thin, we cannot fail to find the miraculous truth about Life Itself. This truth, or this pure love energy, will then pour into every corner of our life. It will be living water creating the most beautiful green garden of love where once we saw only desert.
Jason Chan June 2020
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