The mind does not know what love is. You have to experience it. And the mind has to be quiet. The heart centre starts to open and you notice the pain and the joy within. Love is a condition, a vibration that you can experience again and again. Without a better word, you get in touch with your soul. It is nothing to do with your body, your emotions, it is something else so precious, elusive. And that, you call love.
When you find love you find your soul. We have all experienced it to some degree, so we have a memory of it, but where’s it gone now? When you’re not in love, having experienced it once, you realise you have lost something. We have all felt that sense of loss.
I know I exist, I know I’m getting older, I know I already pay all my mortgage, I know the children have left home now. I know I should be free, I should be in love, but it’s kind of elusive.
But when you experience it again you feel My goodness! Life should always be like that! You know why so many people take drugs? I guess they want that moment. They’re actually searching for that moment.
So without a better word because a soul is not a something, rather it is your love, inside of you, your love inside. It is not your thinking, not your feelings, not your body. They all come and go. Experiencing that love, you have a glimpse of eternal features within yourself. Who notices it? Awareness.
In Truth, you are multidimensional. Stardust is within you. The whole planetary evolution is in your body. All your DNA, all the cell-life deep inside is a quantum field of energy exchange- molecules, electrons, protons, but I know you don’t think like this because you don’t see it with your eyes.
I cannot really define who you are but you are awesome!
However, you still go through a self -discovery process. Although you have body and mind, they are subject to change. The mind cannot die because it’s not physical; emotions are subject to change so are not permanent, and the body definitely comes and goes. But then inside is all energy, spaciousness and so forth, and when you get that glimpse of expansion of consciousness that’s what you see in your awareness- dynamic emptiness and spaciousness.
At the same time you still have a body and a mind. but the most precious thing when you’re in a deep meditative state or raise the vibration enough and something triggers it, you feel Love. Not so much about I love you, you love me, rather Love Itself and suddenly you realise that’s what life is all about. That Love embraces the whole being. It actually permeates and modifies your physical existence more and more, so you can not be cruel anymore, you just can’t. You cannot hurt any living human being or sentient being. This completely changes a human existence- I cannot be cruel anymore. Impossible, because I have the taste of that Love, the soul, and that calms my whole system. Not because I can not think, rather it calms the whole body/ mind mechanism, the whole quantum field of mind, body and energetic system. This state of being should be your goal.
Love has its own intelligence as well, and will transform the field of consciousness.
What does that mean?
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This Love helps your life to become more harmonious, brighter. And even when you find circumstances in your life which are undesirable, the field will transform them. Because whatever happens in life is from the inside-out. A lot of people don’t know that, they think it’s from outside-in but in truth it is from inside to outside.
When you have connected to the love inside that we call the soul, your life has a sweetness to it. You become a presence rather than a person. You literally feel freedom.
That is what human consciousness is pursuing or the unconscious is pursuing.It is a universal calling , but not everyone will hear the call. We are all searching for it, but for many it is an unconscious yearning that leads many in the wrong direction. Many sense a gap in their lives or a need to be fulfilled, and they satisfy that need with food, sex, consumerism or drugs.
In this life of yours there is you, and there is the potential you.
This is the universal journey that every human treads on sooner or later.. We call this a spiritual journey. It unfolds the best of ourself. Really, it unfolds the best of ourself.
Jason Chan,
Ireland 2019, Infinite Tai Chi Course
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