In his book “The Power of Now,” Eckhart Tolle makes the point that you can only make change in the here and now. But nobody really knows how to do it. Even though you want the year to be better, to earn more money, have more health, have someone come into your life to love you, to have a more harmonious family life, the truth is, it won’t happen. Why? Because it’s just wishful thinking. And your mind plays tricks on you.
First, the mind simply describes the case. “Oh, I don’t like where I’m at. I want to change it.” Although most people want to change, they don’t know how to change their mind. They’re just repeating the mindset.
Your life is not really based on what you’re thinking about. Your life is based on undercurrents. Your subconscious runs your life, not your conscious existence. So, that is the reason why you always respond in the same way to everyone and everything you like, and everything you don’t like, Somebody says something you don’t like, you will respond the same. When there’s a situation you like or you don’t like, you respond the same. A person coming to your life, the work you are doing, you actually respond the same, because the response does not come from your conscious mind.
You want to respond differently, but the unconscious mind runs the show. Understand that your unconscious comes from your past. But, because you don’t like what’s happening now – your condition, your situation in your life, you say, “I want to change my “furniture.” Or, “Change my husband”, “Change my children”. “Change my figure. I don’t like my figure at this moment. I want to change it.” Would that work? If that worked, you wouldn’t need to change it because you would already have done so last year. It’s very obvious. You would have done it in 2018. You wish 2019 will be different, but it won’t work. You respond to certain people exactly the same. Even when your conscious mind says, “I don’t want to do that,” you still respond the same. So, your resolution won’t work because, we all are creatures of habit. And, if you cannot get out of the habit, it’s called addiction, am I right? How come we can’t do it?
First, if you want to change your life, you need awareness.
Awareness is a higher level of conscious. It needs some energy to support you to have this awareness. A wholesome discipline will help to cultivate the energy and focus that’s needed to develop a supreme awareness. This will enable you to come back into the present moment. When you can rest in the present, you start to notice your responses and subconscious intentions. “I want something that is harmful to myself”. Before you actually act it out you notice that. Before the anger rises up in you, you catch yourself faster trying to shout at the others. This is all internal work.So the power of now, is not intellectual, it’s a pure awareness. Please be honest in what degree you can do it. We are creatures of habit, and cannot get out of certain patterns without this awareness. All your reactions come from your past existence. All the information, experiences, are all in your body- mind, not the thinking mind. The body-mind stores all your memories. That is why, to override those memories, you need supreme awareness.
Start this first thing in the morning. I’m a very practical, spiritual practitioner; I shrink my life back into 24 hours. I don’t have a life for 50, 60, 70 years. I only have life for 24 hours. And, I have to figure something out. If I get 24 hours right, my life will be much better. So, it’s workable, 24 hours. Then, you eventually bring it back into, “How am I going to deal with this situation?” And, gradually you come back into this moment.
It’s always conditions, situations, and people that bother us. Not having enough money is a condition. Your house is a mess is a condition. You find people surrounding you are not very friendly, is a situation. And, it comes back into a very simple solution. I give you three. in every situation, you only have three choices, without exception.
1. Can I change it?
That is a very profound statement which later becomes a prayer. “Can I change it?” And the prayer comes in as, “Give me the courage.” If you need to open a new business, you need courage. If your business is running into difficulty, you need courage. You need courage to change, so you pray, “Give me the courage to change the things I can.” That means, if you can change it, you need courage. To enable you to rise above the stormy water of human life, you need courage. Courage to go into the greater wholeness they call, Integrity. Greater wholeness is the truth of life; the essence of life. To transcend anything in life, you need courage, which has a certain vibration. Sometimes you will cry, sometimes fear rises up.
2. Can I accept it?
Give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, is a famous prayer from Mother Theresa. But even then, you need to make it a conscious choice. Give me the serenity for those things I cannot change. Including, sometimes the endurance of your sickness, the difficult relationship with a family member, adversity. Acceptance is not passive, by the way, because, you also make the first choice , “Can I change it?” to include yourself.
3. Can I walk away?
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It’s highly unlikely you can change the others. A lot of people want to control situation and people. You can’t. I’ll tell you how I do it. I don’t change people. I don’t control people. I ask them, “What do you want to do?” Then I help them to do it.
When you make any choice, any given moment, you have peace of mind. If you cannot make any choices, I’ll give you another one. It is the classical prayer coming in. Please take over.
The Solution may be to decide “I’m going to change myself.” It is not wishful thinking. You’ll never change the others, only yourself. Then you start to look at life differently. The sun’s always shining for you. What does it mean? This is life force, manifestation. Life actually loves you, including your physical existence – without judgment. Some people label themselves. “I’m always poor.” Then I say, “You are very rich.”. Some people say, “I’m so ugly.” I say, “You’re so beautiful.” When you identify with a negative view of yourself and your life, you just can’t get out of it. You want the world to change for you until you have the awareness, “I want to change myself.” And yes, it takes courage to face your own devastation and create a new you, and requires the wholesome discipline. It is not done through your intellectual mind. Your will-power never will transcend your habits. Your maturity, your education, determination, will-power – even though you’ve got all this, actually, it will not change your behaviour patterns which are in your body/mind, and in your DNA.
Only when you change the whole body, and into a higher vibrational state, can you experience what you want to become right now. If you want to change yourself, you’ve got to experience the person you want to be right now. Not think about it, not will it, experience it. It is the direct reprogramming of your whole body. Because your body’s got all the memories from your past. The pattern is inside your cells, and your life is being run by your subconscious mind .
If I want to be healthy, I cannot wish that in 2019 I’ll be more healthy. I have to feel it now. Your body gets used to sickness and weakness. Never mind what you say in your brain. You maintain that, that’s me, unconsciously, even though you consciously hate it. “I don’t want myself to be like that,” but your whole body’s exactly like that. You get used to the sickness and weakness. You talk and think like, “I am sick.”
In the same way, you talk and think like you’re poor. Even though you’re not monetarily poor, you believe you are poor. The whole body notices that and it emanates outward in your energy field. That is your attractor field. You’re attracting poverty.
So if you want to change anything, you have to directly experience it. If you want to be happy, do you know what that means? Most people think that happiness, is what is happening. “If something happens, I will be happy.” No, happiness is an experience here and now. You can actually mimic it. Your whole body does not know if are you faking it or it’s a real event. So do this in 2019.
The higher vibration you are in, the more empowered you are. So you want to change your life? Be the one you want to be. Experience it now. Whatever that might be. If you want somebody to love you, don’t ask people to love you. Go ahead to love the other first. If you want a good friendship, be somebody’s good friend.
Change in 2019, is changing yourself. To be able to do it, feel it. But you need to borrow a lot of sunshine! The sun always shines on you and if you’ve got enough, you’ll always shine on the others. Automatically. That’s the power of light. You don’t have to scheme it, you don’t have to try to get something from another human being. Get it for yourself. Money, health, the same. Feel it, and the more you feel it, the more you become it directly.
You can see why morning meditation is so important. Because you get that sunshine energy before you go to work. You are holding that power in you. It’s in nature, by the way. Then, when you walk into your office, you are shining. People feel they can trust you. They don’t have to feel defensive.
Basically, you tell them, “ I’m here to support your life”. Who does not want your friendship? Suddenly, a lot of problems can be solved if you can do this. Human communication and relationships improve tremendously. Everyday you meet people, sense if they trust you. You cannot make people trust you, you have to emanate that. “I mean no harm to you. I’m not here to judge you. I’m not here to make an opinion about your life. I’m here to support you”.
So you hold the sunshine, and learn to stay more and more in this present moment, and it is very empowering indeed. You begin to trust this moment, and you begin to trust life, and you start to experience a beautiful 2019.
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