Jason’s November Message
I have just finished leading a transformative, silent retreat at Infinity House during which we went into the mighty stillness in order to begin to understand the miracle of life. It is a real tragedy that most people have no idea about the true meaning of life and even more tragic that they never even begin any kind of quest to find it.
Why did you get out of bed this morning? Most of us don’t really know why we exist. We just get up each day and go to work to feed the family or to pay the rent/mortgage, never stopping to ask, ‘What is it all really for?’ This is actually a crucial, supremely practical question for our future happiness, but so few people ask it, and even fewer find the deepest answer to it.
When I was about 15 years of age, I just did not want to get out of bed each morning. I could lie in bed for up to 15 hours a day. I really did not want to get up and face the world. Have you ever felt like this?
Even those of us who are unbelievably safe and abundant compared to the majority of human kind still experience so much pain and suffering in our lives that many of us end up feeling really depressed and defeated by life. Only a small minority of people ever stop to ask themselves, ‘Is there perhaps a way to end this suffering?’
Most of us can find temporary happiness when the external world appears to be going their way for a while. However, if we keep relying on external factors for our happiness, we will inevitably be unhappy again sooner or later. Because we know that happiness comes and goes. So, if we are just a little bit wise, we will begin to search for something more permanent and meaningful than the kind of fleeting happiness we feel when everything seems to be going our way for a day or two.
The best way I know to begin our quest to find the true meaning of life is to commit to raising our consciousness higher and higher on a daily basis. If we keep raising our consciousness day in and day out, we will definitely begin to feel more alive and more aware. Eventually, once our consciousness is high enough, we will naturally connect to an unchanging, eternal reality beyond this physical world. We will then finally get a glimpse of the real meaning of life, because this ultimate truth is always waiting to dawn into a quiet, expanded mind and open heart.
Once we have even a glimpse of the ultimate truth about life, we will be far less afraid of dying and far more open to living a truly miraculous life. This is why raising our consciousness day by day is so important to our long-term well-being!
Do we need to cultivate self-discipline and willpower to practise daily with the core aim of rising above human suffering? I think so, because human suffering is ubiquitous, and if we are not very careful, we can still fall back into depression, jealousy or hatred, even after we have been on a genuine spiritual path for some time.
Why do I still practise Infinite Tai Chi day in and day out? Because I notice that the more I practise, the more vibrant, life-supporting energy I have to lead a wonderful, fearless, totally fulfilling life. After many years of diligent practice, I have now cultivated a really high, pure energy to support my body and mind, and so my mind stays so much calmer than it did when I was younger, even in challenging situations.
Some of you reading this message may not yet be able to stop your ever-thinking mind from driving you crazy. Fearful or angry thoughts pre-occupy you all day long. Your mind is not yet clear enough for you to get in touch with an infinite life force. This means that you are not really fully alive. As a long term meditator and energy practitioner, I am very sensitive to energy, and so I can sense that most people are not truly aware and present in this moment now. Their bodies might be here, but their minds are definitely somewhere else!
If you sit and examine your own mind for long enough, you will notice how paranoid it is. So, the core aim of all my Infinite Arts is to assist humanity to rise above the battlefield of human conflict and paranoia. Once we are full of positive energy or chi, and once our consciousness is high enough, we can truly empower ourselves. When I am fully empowered with radiant chi for example, I cannot detect any disharmony in my mind whatsoever.
If you now long to find lasting peace of mind, make a conscious effort to rise above all of your stored inner darkness and disharmony. You cannot just suppress or project your inner darkness. You have to transform it, and one very effective way to do this is to practise the Infinite Arts. If you practise just Infinite Tai Chi for long enough, you can definitely transform inner disharmony into inner harmony and wholeness.
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On the energetic level, wholeness means that everything in our system is working together for our highest benefit and so we cannot get sick, depressed or anxious. On the other hand, if we are not dwelling in wholeness, our energy will inevitably be distorted, polluted or weak.
Wholeness = true inner strength. So please ask yourself, ‘Am I dwelling in wholeness yet?’ I know this is a rather abstract question, but please have a guess at answering it. On a scale from 1-10, how whole are you? I do have to tell you though that no human being is 100 percent whole, because nothing in this physical planet can be totally perfect.
Do you realise that every time that you think, you are moving away from wholeness? There is no wholeness in thinking, and every time you think, you leak energy. Everyone in this world thinks all of the time. Then, if you are in a low vibrational state, you will automatically think negative thoughts, and your body will respond by becoming stressed, tense or weak.
Your thoughts actually create your emotions and the energy attached to them. You have to have a fearful thought to create fear in your system. Similarly, when you feel angry, your mind has already had an angry thought and is blaming someone for your pain.
When our mind is not whole, it is always generating fearful or angry thoughts, whether we are consciously aware of this process or not. So, it is life-transforming to spend some time with an enlightened master who is whole and totally free from all negative mind programming. Unfortunately, there are very, very few totally whole or fully enlightened human beings on this planet. Nevertheless, we are very blessed at this time in human history to have so many wonderful spiritual guides and mentors who have at least climbed half way up the mountain back to wholeness.
If you spend some time with these advanced spiritual practitioners, you will definitely speed up your own path to wholeness. Please do not say that you do not have the time or money to do this. At the very least, you can buy a meditation CD or a good spiritual book to inspire you on your own unique path back to wholeness.
Please try to rise above the disharmony of our world day in and day out. Of course, this is a challenging practice because you are an integral part of collective human consciousness and the collective human energy field that is full of fear, anger and hatred.
We have to be supremely mindful not to keep slipping off this tightrope and plunging down once again into holding grievances, anger and hatred for our brothers and sisters in this world. Whether to condemn or to forgive is a split second choice and so once we are on an awakening path, we are basically walking a tightrope. But the incredible outcome of raising our consciousness day by day and becoming more and more mindful is that we finally begin to rise above all our crazy, judgemental, fearful thoughts to become part of the lasting solution to all of our world’s endless suffering, rather than unconsciously remaining part of the problem. I certainly believe that this ultimate goal makes it so worthwhile to practise lifting our consciousness up day in and day out – don’t you?
©Jason Chan 2018
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