Jason’s October Message
I have just returned home from leading six weeks of really deep, transformative spiritual retreats in Thailand and Bali. So this month, I am inspired to attempt to answer a deep spiritual question: Will there ever be an end to human suffering?
In order to end suffering, we first have to understand the fundamental cause of it. If human beings have no real idea why they suffer so much, they will not find a lasting solution to all their pain, no matter how much they search for cures in the world around them.
On all my courses and retreats, I aim to give seekers real solutions to real problems. Unfortunately, most healers in this world focus on their clients’ problems and on temporarily relieving those problems, rather than looking for the ultimate solution to all human problems. For example, many psychotherapists are trained to look for one neurosis after another in their clients’ psyches. They are like someone who goes into a darkened room and tries to carry bucket after bucket of darkness out of it, when all they really need to do is to turn on the light! Similarly, doctors are trained to look for one symptom of illness after another and then to treat that particular symptom, without ever truly understanding where sickness comes from in the first place.
Sometimes, it may seem as though humanity has had a big breakthrough in relieving suffering – think for example of the discovery of antibiotics – but then, we no sooner cure one disease, than another one comes along to torment us. We end one bloody conflict between nations, and another one breaks out in another part of our world.
The key to understanding suffering is to realise that all of our experiences on Planet Earth reflect a vast and extremely well established egoic thought system that is full of guilt, fear, self-hatred and attack.
If you really understood the egoic thought system, you would understand the whole of humanity. You would understand the deepest origins of all pain: physical, emotional and mental. All human beings suffer fear, grief, anger, jealousy and depression. All people suffer from mental confusion: ‘Shall I? Shan’t I?’ ‘Should I / Shouldn’t I?’ The human mind is fragile and confused and can go completely insane. Some are driven so mad by angry, hate-filled thoughts that they go out and kill other human beings or turn their hatred on themselves and commit suicide.
Of course, people do experience some moments of love and joy in their lives, but then tragically, fear or doubt sets in once again and happiness flies out the window. Where does all our fear come from? It comes from our identity as separate egoic selves who are constantly fighting a losing battle for survival in a terrifying physical world that is constantly self-destructing.
The first step to rise above our suffering is simply to become more aware of what we are thinking and feeling moment to moment. If you can notice that you are feeling fearful, for example, you can then choose to rise above your fear. Most individuals live their whole lives in a pretty unconscious state, and so, when fear or anger rises up in them they have no choice but to drown in these toxic emotions. But once you begin to awake and to cultivate conscious awareness, you begin to notice your egoic thoughts and feelings . This gradually reduces their potency, ultimately leading to transcending the suffering that these thoughts and feelings cause you.
The next step is to raise our consciousness up above the level of egoic fear and attack. Normal human existence is always fearful, even though some manage to cover up their fear by distracting themselves with endless worldly activities. But someone who is awakening expands their consciousness,to a point where it begins to rise above human suffering. Is there any other lasting solution? I don’t think so!
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Please understand that whenever you dwell in the normal field of human consciousness, you will suffer, because you connect to fearful or angry thoughts about the past and the future. Connect to a much higher wisdom that will transcend this, enabling your awareness to tune into love, joy, peace.
Once the mind is awake, it can begin to illuminate our bodies so that we can cut through any physical aches and pains. We can also begin to release all our emotional pain into the light and thus start to heal ourselves on a really deep and meaningful level. Many wonderful spiritual seekers are now connecting to the light, but far fewer yet know how to utilise this miraculous higher power to release all of their stored inner darkness.
As you pull back the curtains in your mind to let in the light, it will inevitably reveal more hidden darkness to you and you may well experience this rising darkness as painful. However, if you can face this egoic darkness with strength and courage, you will find that it gradually dissolves in the light until you experience more and more peace and love in your life and less and less fear and conflict.
Modern medicine is designed to attack illness. For example antibiotics kill bacteria. But then the bacteria fight back by mutating! The spiritual light never attacks the darkness. The darkness simply cannot exist once you turn the light on in your own mind and heart. Once you connect to this light, you will find that the darkness just begins to dissolve away quite naturally.
So let me try to sum up the process of transcending all human suffering. To do this miraculous type of healing, we just need to go higher and higher: energetically, emotionally and mentally. Eventually, we discover that our expanded mind is no longer trapped in low, physical consciousness. Our expanded mind can dwell in pure love and light and so we will no longer suffer mental and emotional torture, even if our body is still full of aches and pains.
Some of you reading this may well have had glimpses of this state of consciousness that is beyond the realm of suffering. But raising our vibration and consciousness up above this physical dimension of existence is pioneering work, and those of us who have volunteered to be pioneers in the field of miraculous healing have a steep and arduous path to climb before miraculous healing comes naturally to us. So be it! Raising our consciousness is a relatively new skill for humankind to master. However, once the majority of human beings finally master it, I am absolutely convinced that the end of all our suffering will be in sight.
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