Jason’s September Message
Do you want more love in your life? Of course you do! But did anyone ever tell you the place to find this love is within your own heart? Has anyone ever shown you how to sit still for a while every day to raise your energetic vibration and calm your over-busy mind so that you can tune into the infinite love at the very core of your being?
In our Infinite Meditation, we begin by raising our energy and cultivating chi at each of our seven chakras, because cultivating radiant inner energy really helps us to calm our mind. Many of us harbour fearful or aggressive thoughts almost all of the time. Most human beings are so programmed by their painful past that they can no longer think straight. For example, if someone is abused during childhood they will carry that extremely negative programming into the whole of their adult life unless someone shows them how to release this programming into pure love and light.
We all carry so much negative past programming around in our subconscious minds and we are also influenced by the pull of animal instincts, particularly the instinct to survive at all costs. On top of all that our constant egoic thinking is self-centered, making us selfish even if we try hard not to be. No wonder that most people live their whole lives in fear rather than love!
So, the first step in rising above all of this human fear and angst is to learn to calm our minds. If all human beings learnt how to do this at will, our whole world would be at peace. If you learnt how to calm your mind, regardless of what seemed to be going on in the world around you, your world would be transformed. Your family members would be more at ease, your health would improve and even your bank account would start to flourish. Could all this really happen just because your mind is still? Oh Yes!!
A peaceful mind is a priceless asset in life because if you become harmonious and peaceful, everyone around you has to follow suit. If you are calm, your partner will benefit. Your children will also benefit automatically from your peaceful presence in their lives. On other hand, if you are anxious or irritable, your partner will suffer and your children will suffer.
A harmonious, empowered individual is a healthy, happy abundant individual. So I advise all my healing clients and students, check your mind and heart much more often than you check your bank account or your blood pressure. If your mind is open and calm and your heart is at ease, your life has to be good. I regularly tune into my heart to feel how peaceful and compassionate I am moment-to-moment.
The heart has its own intuitive intelligence and so you can communicate with it beyond words. Your heart knows you and can tell you whether or not you are in balance. But sadly, most modern individuals live in their heads and thus ignore the deep wisdom of their hearts. But when you learn how to still your mind, you can tune into your heart, open your heart and then merge with an infinite love at the core of your being. This is so blissful!
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Most people focus all their attention on the outside world and then spend a lot of time and energy complaining about that world. But your world is not really outside of you at all. The world you see is simply a reflection or a mirror of what is lying deep in your own mind and heart. So first and foremost, if you want to live an exceptionally fulfilling and happy life, look within. Transform your inner world until it is a world of deep peace, love, harmony and radiance.
Meditating on a daily basis is the best way I know to transform your inner world from one of constant worry and disharmony into one of peace, love, light and joy. Even if you do not feel much at all when you first adopt a regular meditation practice, I can assure you that you will benefit beyond measure from sitting still for a while every day in an energy field of peace and harmony. Eventually, you should begin to experience just a moment or two of no thoughts in your mind and no pain in your body as you meditate. Wow! This is a truly heavenly state of being – a moment of heavenly peace beyond all the crazy chattering of your constantly thinking, fearful mind.
If you are human, you worry – more or less constantly. Only the specific content of our anxieties differs from person to person. Your thinking mind is actually constantly playing tricks on you and convincing you that the future will be even worse than the past or the present – ‘What if my partner does not love me so much tomorrow? What if I lose my job? What if my son gets in trouble with the law?’
When you listen to this crazy, paranoid, inner voice, you just cannot win. If you have no money, you worry all the time about your poverty. But if you have a lot of money, you start to worry that one day you may lose it all. If you cannot find anything else to worry about you can worry about the fact that one day you are going to die and lose everything and everyone you know and love. Worrying constantly like this is quite hellish, but virtually everyone does it. Everyone believes their own crazy minds, and so most human beings are basically paranoid all of the time. The only way out of this is to learn how to transcend our fearful, ever-thinking mind, and the only way I know to do this is to practice meditation day in and day out until you become skilled at it.
No one ever teaches children that when they worry, their energy goes down and then they feel depressed and powerless. No one demonstrates to them that if they learnt to raise their energy upwards so that they could sit still to calm their minds for a while, they could live in love, rather than fear. No one teaches us as we grow up that this love at the core of our being is so strong and powerful it can solve all our personal and collective human problems with the greatest of ease.
But it is never too late to learn and to grow in this world. It is never too late to begin a life transforming meditation practice. I have known individuals in their 70s and even 80s really begin to benefit from learning to meditate in their twilight years. So please do not delay committing to a simple practice that can truly transform every aspect of your world. Don’t tell yourself that you are too busy to meditate. Tell yourself that you simply cannot afford not to meditate! Don’t wait. Don’t think about starting a daily meditation practice. Don’t read about the benefits of meditation. Just do it, and I promise you that in the long run the impact on your life, and the lives of those you love, will be immense.
Joy & Blessings
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