Jason Chan’s June 2018 Message
Life Loves You
The most fundamental spiritual truth is that Life Itself always loves you unconditionally and eternally. The infinite power of Life/Love/God can transform all your fears, including your fear of death. Life Itself knows everything – past, present and future. Life Itself is the voice of eternal truth and the perfect guide on our awakening journey.
Without aligning to the absolute truth of Life Itself, you will never get out of the endless cycle of existence or Samsara. Only Life Itself can lead you out of suffering into the eternal light. The really good news is that you do not have to go anywhere to connect to Life because it is already lying dormant in your own mind and heart, and as you awake, you will more and more connect to its perfect guidance.
Until you begin to understand about true life and your true Self – as opposed to this illusory dualistic world that we call life, your physical existence will never make any real sense to you. Your inner teacher is waiting with infinite patience to guide you home, but you always have the choice to ignore it. I cannot reveal Life Itself to you. You have to seek it and then find it for yourself.
For a long, long while on your spiritual journey, your egoic fear will still have the upper hand. You will continue to judge yourself and others as unworthy, and you will continue to resist genuine awakening, letting go and forgiveness. So, you need many first hand experiences of Life or the Light to inspire you, because your motivation to awake is weak, whilst your resistance to genuine awakening remains extremely strong.
Some individuals would actually prefer to die rather than change their own minds to awake to the ultimate truth about life. Some would rather die than truly forgive their ‘worst enemy’. This is how stubborn our ego really is. True forgiveness usually takes a lot of time and effort because the ego really will not allow you to forgive and let go of all your past grievances. Moreover the ego really, really does not want to die, and so it absolutely resists your soul’s attempts to rise above the ego completely.
Once you gain a glimpse of the spiritual light, you can work to anchor it in your mind and heart because it is your ‘get out of jail free card’. You cannot use your own willpower to escape all the endless suffering of Samsara. Your will-power is just not enough to override the power of the ego. You can only use your little willpower to prepare yourself to surrender to a much greate wisdom, and then allow that infinite wisdom to guide you home moment-to-moment.
Can you use your own intelligence to heal yourself and to let go of all of your stored grievances and pain? No! You cannot heal yourself, because you as you now know yourself to be are the problem not the solution. But you can definitely surrender to the light and allow it to heal you.
Your first experience of this awakening/healing light is so significant because it marks the start of your miraculous spiritual journey this lifetime. When you first connect to this core inner light, it can be as though a pure, vulnerable, little child has woken up deep within you. In Christian terminology, the Christ Child has been re-born within your mind and heart. In Buddhist terminology, you have made your first tentative connection to your true Buddha nature.
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Once you experience this initial awakening, you then need a lot of mind training as you learn to hold and protect this new Christ Child or Baby Buddha within you. You hold this purity and innocence in your consciousness, until you finally realise that you are not just a personality in a body born to die, but an eternal soul. Realising this eternal truth about yourself is the first level of genuine spiritual awakening.
However at first, as you awake, you may feel weak and vulnerable, and you may find it difficult to function as a normal human being for a while. Connecting to the pure spiritual light can actually weaken your physical body because the energetic vibration of this light is too high for your body to absorb comfortably. So as you awake, you have to keep strengthening and grounding your physical body, as well as constantly training your mind, and you may perhaps also need to take time out from the world to rest and to restore your natural vitality.
After first connecting to the light, you then should focus on connecting to it over and over again so that this much higher intelligence can answer all your deepest questions about life. Eventually, you will see more and more clearly that you always have a fundamental choice to make moment-to-moment. You can either choose to listen to the ego insisting that sickness, death and hell are real, or you can choose to listen to the Holy Spirit quietly telling you that only love is real. To lose yourself, or to find your true-self minute by minute is the only real choice you have to make. This choice may sound simple, but the genuine spiritual path is not easy, because the ego is strong and determined, and so at many times on the path, you may be tempted to give it all up.
What helped me most to stick to a genuine awakening and healing path through thick and thin this lifetime? – meditating every day to still my mind and practising Infinite Tai Chi, Chi Kung and Yoga to raise my energetic vibration and strengthen my physical body so that it could hold more and more very high light. I have also been blessed to be surrounded for many years by a number of long-term, dedicated students who have offered me spiritual companionship and the amazing experience of meditating with a group of genuine spiritual seekers. Doing all this has definitely saved me so much time!
From the highest point of view, awakening is not at all difficult – it is the most natural path in the whole world, because the absolute truth is all there is. But from a normal human perspective, awakening is extremely challenging. So, those of us who are blessed to be awakening this lifetime should band together and support each other unconditionally at all times. We are there for one another, and hold the light for one another, as we work to release our normal way of thinking. We need to hold one another in unconditional compassion as we all struggle to open up our closed, wounded hearts so that we can embody infinite love at all times.
With time, we develop complete trust that Life Itself will take us all the way from Samsara to Nirvana. We have total faith that The Holy Spirit will guide us out of egoic hell into the heaven of total enlightenment., as we return home to our true eternal nature.
Jason Chan June 2018
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