It’s September already, and life in the UK is getting back to normal again after the summer break. So, this could well be the perfect time of year for you to commit to a daily meditation practice, or to a longer daily meditation practice, if you have already been meditating daily for some time.
You can achieve more or less anything once you know how to meditate. I utilise my daily meditation practice to focus on and bring energy to my projects and goals, to bless my life and that of others, to surround humanity with powerful and healing Love Presence. More and more highly successful people in our world have now publicly talked about the power of meditation –think of Steve Jobs for example.
In a meditative state of mind, we can actually take full command of our lives. So those who still do not cultivate this life-saving skill are really missing out! If, very occasionally, I miss my morning meditation, I do not feel nearly so bright or creative throughout the day.
In a really deep meditation, we can connect to our true being, beyond all our endless doing. Eventually, we can even melt into ‘All There Is’, or into an enlightened state of unified consciousness. An enlightened state of consciousness is actually a blissful experience in which we seem to be ‘not there’ but ‘fully there’ at the same time! The ‘me-self’ has completely dissolved, and yet we discover that our True-Self still exists in a non-dualistic state of being. Wow!
Unfortunately, our egoic-self can never perceive the True-Self, and when we finally glimpse our True-Self, in that moment, our false egoic-self simply does not exist. So, the ego can try to pursue enlightenment in order to aggrandise itself, but it will never succeed, because true enlightenment is a completely egoless state of being.
If you practise meditation for long enough, you will eventually experience Christ’s Presence or your Buddha Nature. You can even merge into Divine Love and experience the bliss of pure, eternal love that is totally unpolluted by even a drop of egoic fear or doubt. But then, you will inevitably come out of your meditation and find yourself dwelling in fearful, painful duality once more.
Although it is certainly true that meditation can be experienced as blissful, please note that adopting a meditation practice is not just about wanting to escape from our normal, painful human existence by sitting still for a while and blissing ourselves out in a higher light or love. Real meditation is always extremely challenging to our personality-self, because sooner or later, any genuine meditation practice will start to reveal layer after layer of our deeply hidden egoic fear and darkness.
Have you faced your deepest fears in meditation yet? If so, congratulations! But if you haven’t, please know that for quite some time, those beginning to learn the spiritual art of meditation cannot, and indeed should not, face their deepest fears. We all need to cultivate a calm, steady mind first before we will be strong enough to face our worst nightmares, which is why Tibetan Buddhists always teach beginners ‘calm abiding’ meditations before they teach them more challenging practices.
One really effective way to speed up your learning as a relative new comer to meditation is to find someone who has already mastered this art and to meditate under their guidance as much as you can. When I am leading group meditations, I usually talk people through them, not because what I say is that important, but because I can use my voice to raise everyone’s energetic vibration as they meditate, and this higher vibration will then uplift their consciousness.
I know some students would prefer our group meditations to be silent, but in a silent group meditation, everyone’s minds will go off in different directions, and so we will all miss the incredible power of joining together in one high energetic field. I am guided by a much higher power to talk through most group meditations that I lead, and I have witnessed that this works. It is not Jason Chan doing anything! I am just surrendering moment to moment to a much higher wisdom that can work miracles through me. But as an energy master, I usually begin any meditation by raising my own energy so that I can use radiant chi to support my mind as I go into the stillness.
When I am meditating on my own, I hold the light at each chakra in turn at the beginning of my meditations in order to fine tune my energy. I also scan each chakra for weakness or blockages which may need extra light. I continue to fine- tune my energy body in this way because I know how important a strong and clear energy body is as a vehicle to take us into Love’s Presence. When our energy and consciousness are high enough to connect to Love’s Presence, the power of this infinite love will transform all kinds of lower energy, such as the energy of fear, or the energy of anger or jealousy.
At first, it is useful to have some kind of focus for your meditation, such as watching your breath or reciting a mantra. But once you have cultivated enough high energy to support your meditations, you will no longer need a particular meditative object. You will be able to just expand your consciousness into the vastness and rest there with total alertness.
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You cannot simply will yourself to expand your consciousness. It happens through the Grace of God. However, you do initially need to cultivate a lot of will-power, determination and persistence, if you are ever going to become a skilled meditator who can connect their individual, relatively low, consciousness to something much greater and more powerful.
At first, you may get just a tiny glimpse of it, and then you start to think about what you are experiencing, and the enlightened moment is gone. Then, you may meditate diligently for months on end without getting another glimpse of this awesome power. This can be tremendously frustrating, but if you just keep going you have to progress.
I have witnessed this in my students over and over again. Half-hearted meditators do not progress, but those with a burning desire to know the truth, or to experience the power of God’s infinite love for them, progress miraculously, even if, at times, they do not feel as though they are making much real progress.
One way to really speed up your journey home to perfect peace and perfect love is to meditate regularly with a true master of meditation. However, you cannot just rely on someone else’s spiritual power forever. At some point on the path, you need to commit to becoming a powerful meditator in your own right. You have to avoid the real danger of merging into love and light from time to time on a powerful spiritual retreat, but then reverting back to being a normal, fearful, grumpy human being again as soon as you get back home.
I disagree with modern spiritual texts that tell us that there is no need for us to practice diligently because we are already enlightened beings. Of course, at heart, we all have Buddha Nature or Christ Consciousness. But in most of us, this True-Self is so obscured by our egoic-self that it is almost non-existent.
If you do not keep practising, you will not progress along the path. It is as simple as that. I have noticed that once some of my students stop practising the Infinite Arts for a while, they not only stop progressing, they actually go backwards!
Tasting heaven and then losing it again is very painful. Please do not do this to yourself. For most human beings ignorance may be bliss. But if you get a glimpse of something out-of-this-world and then lose it again because of your ego’s resistance to practising, you will be in more pain than if you had never experienced it. So this month, please do not get completely lost in the world that surrounds you. Just keep taking at least some time out from your busy daily life to sit still and to create a bridge between heaven and earth, until this miraculous bridge becomes a permanent feature in your consciousness.
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