Ling Chi energy harnesses pure, strong, universal Chi, Compassion and Light to heal all levels of our being
The willingness to be healed is essential, as healing can not be forced onto you. In these sessions you will be shown how to re-connect with the beauty and purity of your soul. Jason will hold the Universal Light, Love and Wisdom on your behalf. On this wholesome and awakening journey , our process and goals are :-
- Cleanse and purify the meridians and energetic body.
- Restore the balance and harmony of the emotional body.
- Clear the mental body and attain radiant mindfulness.
- Reconnect to your true self beyond the limitations of the personality.
- Restore vitality and balanced health, through the radiant Chi and Light.
- Release the past – free the present – transform the future.
- Live life in peace and brightness
The healing and transformational journey can be quiet, gentle, rapid, dramatic, miraculous. Please be patient and mindful of your progress. Learning unconditional love and self acceptance, heartfelt prayers, connecting with the power of pure nature and sunshine, practising Infinite Tai Chi, Chi Yoga and Infinite Meditation will all help to speed up the natural healing process tremendously. Your Trust and Faith in Life will be restored.