Dwelling in Love Energy
Love is everywhere. But you have to learn to open your mind and heart to enable this out of this world energy to illuminate you, so that you can feel much more genuinely alive and truly empowered.
Many people in our stressful modern world try to feel more alive by getting an instant boost from something like alcohol or drugs. Following an awakening path back home to love will probably take us a lot longer before we experience that totally alive feeling, but it is so worth it! Whenever you are dwelling in love energy, you automatically feel so alive. Being in love always feels so good, so why not insist that you will do everything in your power to discover how to dwell in love all of the time?
Every soul in this world is longing to connect to unconditional, all embracing love, but most human beings simply do not know what it is. They believe love is just an emotional feeling, but real love is actually a very high energy that extends infinitely and indiscriminately to support all of life in its trillion different disguises.
When you dwell in love, every cell in your body is fully alive, your mind is clear and quiet and you simply know. Know what? You know the miraculous truth about life. But this statement really will not make much sense to you until you experience the miraculous truth directly. When you connect to this truth, you really do not want to think, because whenever you think, you will pull your vibration down from the level of pure love and light.
When you are bathed in love energy, your whole body may well buzz with joy and you may even feel goose bumps tingling up your spine. This is just one indication that love energy is pouring through you.
I do hope that you experience love energy pouring through you at least once in your life. My prayer for you is that you will soon experience this incredible love every day of your life. Love energy is so awesome that once you experience it, even for a moment or two, you will just long for more and more of it. I am totally addicted to love energy. It is one of the very best sensations this life has to offer us, and we do not even need a partner to experience it. In fact, unless your partner has an exceptionally high vibration or consciousness, they will probably not be capable of sharing true love energy with you.
How to Connect to Love Energy
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Stephen Hawking for example, has a truly brilliant mind, but he is a scientist, not a spiritual practitioner, and so he is convinced God does not exist, because science cannot find any proof of God’s existence. We actually need to have a subjective experience of God’s love to know God exists. I do not believe in God. I know God because I have gone beyond my thinking mind to experience His infinite love directly with my whole being.
Sadly, most people in our world are living relatively loveless lives, and to date, only a very small minority of individuals have connected to love energy for any significant length of time. Most human beings are still imploding with fear and anger because of their low level of consciousness. Tensing up fearfully against the world is very normal, but when we tense up like this, we inevitably close our hearts, and then we experience living in fear, rather than love. The majority of human beings live all their lives in fear and lack rather than true love, and so we have far more thieves and con artists in our world than saints. Saints love all living creatures unconditionally. But this approach to life is definitely still ‘the road far less travelled’.
Whilst you are dwelling in the energy of love, for example during a very deep meditation, you will know that everything is possible. But when you come back into thinking mode, you will start to judge and evaluate everything and everyone once more, and then all that beautiful love energy will dissipate, as your vibration falls back down to the level of normal, fearful human consciousness.
It takes a lot of disciplined practice to open our hearts and minds fully to love energy, and then to be mindful enough to stop our habitual, fearful egoic programming from pulling us back down to fear once again. But eventually, if we keep practising opening our hearts to love, we can dwell in love virtually all of the time and then our lives will unfold miraculously in this infinitely powerful and benign energy.
Extract from Infinite Awakening, by Jason Chan and Jane Rogers