In Infinite Tai Chi we do not just teach physical movement, we are teaching about Life Itself. You cannot sum up Infinite Tai Chi in just one or two sentences. Infinite Tai Chi can have very different meanings depending on individuals’ levels of personal and spiritual development. For some people, particularly beginners, it is simply a graceful, gentle form of physical exercise that they practise primarily for health reasons. For others, it can become a very disciplined spiritual practice. It all depends on each individual’s level of unfoldment and insight, which usually deepens with practice. Infinite Tai Chi tends to grow on you, and as you practise it, you will also grow on all levels of your existence.
Infinite Tai Chi has been designed to balance your whole physical, emotional and energetic systems. When you are not in balance, you may become ill and sick. But when you bring yourself back into natural balance, or perfect harmony, you will become radiantly healthy.
Infinite Tai Chi is much more than just a healthy form of exercise. Infinite Tai Chi is, at heart, pure nature or consciousness in movement. It is a moving meditation. When you perfect your Infinite Tai Chi form, you are no longer just moving gracefully, you are emanating light through movement. After performing genuine tai chi, you will naturally be a peaceful, radiant presence in the world for a while.
If you practise Infinite Tai Chi long enough, you will become aware of an energy field that surrounds everything, including you. Gradually as you keep practising, you will be able to get in touch with this energy field and use it to heal yourself on many different levels. Eventually you will be able to use this universal energy, or Chi, to transform both your physical being and your mental and emotional outlook on life. Your body will become stronger, and your emotions will calm down. Ultimately, when you can perform Tai Chi in perfect harmony, you will begin to return to the wholeness of Life itself. So to sum up Infinite Tai Chi it is:
“A wholesome discipline for perfect harmony in life, wherein lies all our joy, happiness, health, abundance, compassion and love.”