Infinite Chi Kung is a system of Chinese holistic exercises and energy work developed by Jason Chan. Practising Infinite Chi Kung will raise your vibrations and your consciousness, and because everything is linked, when you raise your energetic vibrations, you also improve your physical health, increase your ability to think positively, and experience more positive emotions.
When individuals practise Infinite Chi Kung regularly, they seldom need to see a doctor because their bodies and minds become much more balanced. Infinite Chi Kung can actually balance our physical bodies, our mental state and our emotions. As you raise your vibrations through your practice, you may also get in touch with an energy field that we call Chi, Qi, Ki, or Prana.
Moving with Chi
Chi is life manifest. The more you practise Chi Kung, the more you will become whole and solid and strong. To cultivate chi while you practise Infinite Chi Kung you should breathe in a very smooth, deep and internalised way.
Diligent practice of Infinite Chi Kung will help you to connect to a much bigger life force beyond your intellectual mind and physical perception, and this life force will start to support all aspects of your life. Practising Infinite Chi Kung will also connect you to the power of the natural elements, and this power can sustain you through life’s ups and downs without you having to think so much.
We also need to balance the energy in the different sides of our being. If our left and right sides are not balanced, we can feel awkward and unbalanced in many different areas of our life. When we do certain Infinite Chi Kung sequences, warm ups and other exercises, we are aiming to connect the right and left sides of our brain energetically.